Winged Warrior III. Charity RACE/SHOW. Raceway Park. 5/12/07

14 January 2007
Please look over, and decide if you believe this is good info for your members. I had an NSX back in the day, so you are still "family" in my book. I know a few of you on here as well. Please join us if you are around the area. The kids would appreciate it.

Please Join us on this special day for the kids at Riley hospital. This is a NOT FOR PROFIT event, and will have a SHOOTOUT (Import vs Domestic),a Racecar/exotic car/motorcycle/ and CARSHOW on the grounds. Please help us spread the word to fellow racers in the midwest. We all Thank-you for helping us. We are expecting crowds of 10K, and if you want to inquire about vending/sponsoring, please inquire!

For Immediate Release:

To: LOCAL Potential Sponsors/Vendors/Racers/Carshow participants:
For: The Kids at Riley Hospital for Children (Indianapolis)
When: Saturday May 12, 2007
Where: O’Reilly Raceway Park at Indianapolis (formerly Indianapolis Raceway Park).

More info on click WW FORUMS.

Check these out to find out what we have done for the kids.



ORP2A.jpg in a nutshell, it is a Charity event for the kids at the local Childrens hospital, where we all get together, and give with our hearts, as well as our right foot!! AMS took the championship last year, but the competition will be stiff next year for sure.

Photos of Team Imports Roster for the last event:

Photos of TEAM USA Roster for the last event:

Here is lots of photos/videos of ALL events we have had for the kids!

Some photos from last week at the track. to be used for promotional materials More to follow!! Thought I would share.












HAHA....I found the promo for this year!! NOT CURRENT EVENT PROMO!!!!!

Photoshoot for WWII. I notice they put the "USA" plane behind the IMPORT team, and the Russian plane on the other side! :p OOOPS.In case you were wondering, we parked the cars, they were lined up at the gate, and SOMEONE let the RED LUMINA in on the photo!! NOBODY knew who he was, obviously a "sneek in". How frickin funny!!






















I wanted to go last year, but it was on a Sat...again this year too :(
so maybe Ill go this year. Try making one on a Sunday sometime :)

what kinda events are you gonna do other than drag races/acceration type stuff in a straight line. Any turns??

Ild like to bring my Lambo, but I dont think it would fit in with all the ricers, vettes, and stangs.

Try spreading the word to Lambo Power and Ferrari Chat

Ill let some guys I know with L and F cars know about it :)
I wanted to go last year, but it was on a Sat...again this year too :(
so maybe Ill go this year. Try making one on a Sunday sometime :)

what kinda events are you gonna do other than drag races/acceration type stuff in a straight line. Any turns??

Ild like to bring my Lambo, but I dont think it would fit in with all the ricers, vettes, and stangs.

Try spreading the word to Lambo Power and Ferrari Chat

Ill let some guys I know with L and F cars know about it :)

Hello Dan, thanks for posting! I believe next year we will make it a 2 day event.:wink: We have 5 runs down the strip, and 3 passes on a LARGE autox course. (not your average layout, but FAST) there is lots of turns in that event. Come on out if you can, you will be fine amongst the other cars there. All cars will be put in classes this time, and all classes combined "points" will give us a CHAMPION! Either Team USA, or TEAM IMPORT!! Go ahead and "register". Would you would mention this on the Ferrari/Lambo chats for me? Thanks. Maybe Mr.Stoepplewerth(sp) will bring out his Lambo/Ferrari to this one and race it, instead of "show" it this time!:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Again, thanks! And hope to see you out there!:cool:

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Just a tid-bit of news: We will have the "TECH PARTY" on May 11th, at the track. This will be a time to meet your new team members. We will be having a cookout as well, and this will also be the time to rip it up the track, for some testing and tuning to get ready for your "battle" on May 12th. (Test and Tune is Optional)

Again, I stress that this event, ANYONE can register!! Sign up for this, as I bet you will kick yourself May 13th if you didn't. If the registration is closed, and you didn't throw your hat in the ring for selection,you might just have to wait for WWIV!

We cannot also stress the fact enough, that there will be a HUGE carshow, with everything on wheels expected to be there-LOTS TO SEE AND DO!! Carshow entrants can be done via the website, OR at the gate. There is PLENTY of room for you guys for the show! Pass this info on to the people you know, who "JUST WANT TO SHOW!!

There will also be Vendors there as well. Just go on the site, and click FORUMS and "watch" the chatter-discussions there. Definetly worth the trip!
I 'spectated' at this event last year (my car is pictured above:smile: ) and had a blast. I think the event is definitely taking a big step up with the venue change to ORP. Theres something very entertaining about watching cars of varying power levels being driven with varying levels of talent on a fast auto-x.

Dan, as far as the ricer thing goes, you're going to find that at just about any car show these days. With the timed events though its really more of a grassroots motorsport kind of event. In any case you should try to get some of the F-car/Lambo crowd to come out, even though most don't like to show off:tongue:

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I 'spectated' at this event last year (my car is pictured above:smile: ) and had a blast. I think the event is definitely taking a big step up with the venue change to ORP. Theres something very entertaining about watching cars of varying power levels being driven with varying levels of talent on a fast auto-x.

Dan, as far as the ricer thing goes, you're going to find that at just about any car show these days. With the timed events though its really more of a grassroots motorsport kind of event. In any case you should try to get some of the F-car/Lambo crowd to come out, even though most don't like to show off:tongue:


Thanks Nate, this one is going to be done like it should be.......Organized. there wont be the long Hurry up and wait on the autox course like at the last one, this will move fast, and be fun!! I hope to see a variety of cars also, and by looking at the apps, a WIDE variety is coming in!!! Keep 'em coming. Thanks again for the kind words Nate.:wink:

The cars will be classed this time, so Class "A" imports run together, to WHOOP up on Class "A" Domestic cars. All classes work as a team, and at the end of the day, one will be crowned Champ. USA or IMPORT. you also battle for trophies in your class. really fun event, for an even better cause!!
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I guess the easiest way to explain this event to someone is: We want to see which team of 65 cars (import or domestic)scores the most points! (DRAGS the AUTO-X, and the carshow portion.) (not to be confused with the GENERAL CARSHOW!). This event will test the teams capabilites in STOPPING/TURNING/BRAKING and FLATOUT ACCELERATION!! So that part is the team effort. What your STRONG event is, may be your teammate in another classes weakness- got to help each other out.

On top of that, whatever "class" you are in, you also will get to vie for trophies amongst your class: 1/2/3rd place in all events! It will be quite a fun/exciting day all the way around. So........If your car is just better suited for drags, YOUR TEAM STILL NEEDS YOU!! and if your car is better suited for AUTOX, YOUR TEAM ALSO NEEDS YOU! So don't think you can't enter due to (Enter excuse here) because you CAN! No expierence is needed, and there will be cars from BONE STOCK, to highly Modded. Bone stock Imports will run against Bone stock Domestic cars, etc... Whatever car you have in your garage right now, is PERFECT for this event! Register it!
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Any other questions? don't pass on this one up! Check out our "old teaser" DVD, for the event last year. Maybe that will get your excitement up. We all know you will get "antsy" once it starts getting warm out!! If you have any questions, just ask! Click on MEDIA over there for photos of everything we have done. You probably know someone in those photos.

I am considering going for the auto-x portion, but I will say straight out that the idea of doing 5 clutch drops on the drag strip does NOT appeal to me considering the clutch is about $2,000 to replace. Would it do any good to enter and kind of softball it on the drag strip and run full out on the auto-x? I would not want to hurt the team numbers.
I am considering going for the auto-x portion, but I will say straight out that the idea of doing 5 clutch drops on the drag strip does NOT appeal to me considering the clutch is about $2,000 to replace. Would it do any good to enter and kind of softball it on the drag strip and run full out on the auto-x? I would not want to hurt the team numbers.

I hear your concerns! I blew a transfercase and a twin disk on the drags myself!:eek: :wink: Since we have it as a "team" effort, your other teammates will pick up where the others are lacking. The rules state you need to do AT LEAST one of every event, and you can "waive" the rest of the runs. Just have to turn in a time for the team. You will be FINE with that. Just KEEP THE CAR TOGETHER on the strip, but you can drive slow, wave to the fans, etc if you want. Kick Butt for the team on the autox course!! We have enough BIG guns in the drags to help us anyway.:wink: (I am NOT one of them)

Some of the AWD guys might hold back also on the drags, for the same reason. Go ahead and register it. I pick the imports, so you got a better chance to get it. (wink-wink).

But to answer your question.................YES.:smile:
Just a heads-up on what is going on:

Registration to race has a little over 4 weeks to go, so if you want to join a team and compete in WWIII, you should get in BEFORE registration closes Mid March. Again, you don't have to have a modded car, OR Expierence to enter! You will be in a class with the same type of car you drive now!! Don't be intimidated........seriously. Enter with a friend if you want, and you can duke it out together.

If you want to enter the GENERAL Car/bike/truck show, that PRE-registration will open within the week, and you can even register for that at the gate if you want to, on May 12th.

Anyone interested in becoming a Vendor, you can also contact us about "Early Bird" registration on that also, BIG savings on that as well. Great place to market/sell your products in front of TONS of people-Great exposure for you.

The registrations are coming in all the time, and this event is shaping up to be a doozy! It is going to be LOTS OF FUN! Don't delay on getting in, if you do, you just might kick yourself if you decide to join after it's too late!

TELL A FRIEND/ Pass the word on if you know someone who would like to race/show with us! Thanks.
Getting close to closing the registration for the racers. REGISTRATION CLOSES ON MARCH 15th. If you want to race, must register by then. If you want to "show" your car, you can register at the track on Race/Show day, May 12th.

This is your friendly reminder.
I am not sure if I posted this, too many pages to read,:lol: but here is the BATTLEFIELD! Ready??

Here is the area we will be "stretching" our legs!! Looks like a FAST track no?

RED lines show where we want to run the autox, not the actual course layout. LOL. Still has to go thru the MVSCC on to how much of the area we want, will be used. more on that later. Autox area has been repaved in areas!! Nice surface!

Dear fellow gearheads, I wan't to personally thank you for letting me in your "home" to promote this event. I really appreciate that. There are only 2 weeks left to register for the race. Please keep that in mind, for those of you still on the fence.

Some of you on here have registered already. Check the site on April 2nd, to see the photo lineups of the teams. (On the Winged Warrior site)

You guys can register to enter the carshow, on the website, or at the gate.

I will back out of here now, and tend to the tasks at hand- gearing up for the event. If you have any more questions or comments, you will find me over on the site, same screenname. You can also email me personally at [email protected] We hope to see you out there, either racing/showing, or just being there for the kids.

Again,Thanks for looking in!!

Kevin Butterfield
if I wanted to bring both my Diablo and my NSX could I do that?
Would I need to register once or twice??
If once, could I run like the NSX on the Auto X and the Diablo on the 1/4mile?
if I wanted to bring both my Diablo and my NSX could I do that?
Would I need to register once or twice??
If once, could I run like the NSX on the Auto X and the Diablo on the 1/4mile?

Hi Dan, go sign 'em up!!! Register twice.:wink: :wink: I will see what the guys say about alternating cars. Would be fun to see, if not, you can park one, race the other.
Here is the tower by the drag start. DRIVERS ONLY get to go up on top of the tower to take it easy! We will have a guard at the bottom of the tower to make sure no vagrants get up there!:lol:


Closeup of tower. We will have access to some "suites" behind the glass there. To watch the drags from!


View from on top of the tower. See the drag seats down there? GREAT vantage point!!


A photo of the "CREW" helping the Wife and I run this SUPER organized!!

If You are still interested in racing, you have ONE WEEK LEFT to toss your hat in the ring! Final boarding call.......... Carshow peeps can register any time, even at the gate! Teams posted April 2nd! Don't think the car you have is not good enough, it is! Raceday: MAY 12th, will be here before you know it!
For those of you who are NOT going to race, Pre-Registration for the GENERAL CARSHOW IS NOW OPEN! For those wanting to do just the General Car/Bike/Truck show, you can do it NOW up to May 12th. Discount for early signup. LOTS OF TROPHIES/PRIZES!
ANY TUNER SHOPS want to race??? Please let them know, there is a class for them also! :) FUN FOR EVERYONE!!

The boyz at AMS are returing in the "Tuner Class". They are bringing the Drag Car, AND the Time attack car.




If you want to enter the "TUNER CLASS," you can run on ANY tire you want! Gutted interiors, slicks, switch drivers etc.. You can also change tires from autox to drags if you want. 4 days left! the regular field is packed, lots of cars to choose from. This class is open, must meet the criteria also. Pm me on the other site for info, I have to help pick teams, and will be too busy to come back here and check the replies (If there are any-LOL)REPRESENT your local speed shop!!! Make them proud!
Tomorrow at Midnight is the "Racers" deadline to sign up if you want to join us as a competitor on May 12th! If you just want to enter the carshow part, or just want to show up and spectate, just let me know, I will save you guy's a safe/secure area to park together. The carshow registration is OPEN NOW! Thanks.
To those interested: Carshow is $15 in advance and $20 at the door. There are TONS of trophies/prizes/goodies to be handed out to you guys doing the carshow!
Those just wanting to come out and watch, $10 at the gate, kids under 10 FREE. See you May 12th, gates open at 9AM, RACING starts at 10AM. Carshow and Racing Itinerary up soon