Wine Tasting....

19 June 2002
Bay Area, CA
Well i just recently started drinking some red wine, Merlot especially....I was curious what distinguishes a good and a bad wine... I'm no expert at wine tasting and brand names out there, just want to learn more and listen to some reconmendations
A good wine is one you like; a bad wine is one you don't like. It really is that simple. Don't let all the hoopla intimidate you.

If you are interested in learning more and finding out what you like and do not like, any decent wine shop hosts tastings on a regular basis. If you tell them you're new to wine I'm sure they'll be happy to explain things to you in detail.
a good tool to help you identify the various characters is the wine " essence" tasting kit. you can find it with a google search. it is a kit of "flavors " which helps you identify tannins, acidity, etc. it is fun and helpful. I would add to Lud's statement that it is any wine you enjoy, and a good value makes it even more enjoyable!
Go to alot of vineyards and go wine tasting. You can sample alot of different wines and what is best for YOU. Like Lud said...dont believe the hype or the persona of what wine tasting is all about. And dont be afraid to ask alot of questions to the people behind the bar at tastings...they are a wealth of info.
Also don't fall for the "I have to pay a lot for good wine" fallacy. Some of my favorites are under Ten bucks a bottle.