Wine Cellar/Refrigerator

24 July 2003
Just moved to INDY
I am curious to know if any of you have any experience on what maybe the best brand to go with on these. I really have little knowledge on this topic whatsoever and will probably make the purchase from online. Just looking for some guidance on what to look for or what is a good brand.

Requirements Cost under 500 bucks....hey I am a poor college student :p
20-40 Bottle Holding
Glass front (unless a very nice wooden one is shown for under 500...and LCD/Digital controls

shown is the VinoTemp sells for little over 400
For the money those will probably do ya. The best fridges will chill and keep the humidity at a constant level (I think 60%), but are $$$! But the most important thing is to keep the wine chilled (at a constant 50-60 degree temp) depending on what your chilling, and KEEP the LIGHT OUT!!! Heat and Light are the worst things for wine!!! So if you get a glass front, cover it with something to block the light.
Anything else just let me know.
Happy Drinking!!!