Windows XP problems

13 May 2002
Hey guys, I realize this isn't the best place to post this but I know some of you are pretty computer savvy so here it goes. I just got a new pc yesterday and it didn't come with microsoft word. So I tried installing microsoft word xp and for some reason i keep on getting this error message: "The operating system is not presently configured to run this application." Can anyone tell me what this means and how to fix the problem? BTW, i'm using windows xp. Thanks in advance.
:confused: It's no help, but that's a weird error. Never seen that before. Is that the exact message?

Some suggestions & requested info:

* Are you running WinXP Home or Pro edition?
* Are you logged in as an Administrator?
* What sort of PC did you get: a dell/compaq/hp/???
* Did it come pre-configured with other software like MS Works?
* Is it Word XP just on it's own, or part of an Office suite?

Based on what you've written, my best 'guess' would be you're not an Administrator. You can check this in the Control Panel/User Accounts -- it will list what accounts you have on your PC, and whether they are a "guest", "User" or "Computer Administrator".

If you can provide any additional info on your PC setup or the exact steps when you try to install it, that might help. No such thing as too much information.
Yes, that's the exact message. I'm running winXP home edition and I'm logged in as an administrator. I got a custom pc from amc computers in escondido. The pc came pre-configured with some programs none of which are anything like msworks. The wordXP program I was trying to install was on it's own and not part of an office suite.
I did a search on google for the solution to this problem. I discovered other people have the same problem (same error, also installing office), but I was not able to locate a solution for you.

If I come across something, I will let you know.
yeah, there's not a lot of answers on the net for this prob.
and not being able to duplicate the problem doesn't help.

i have two suggestions:

1) from what i've read, it appears to be linked to some other software you've already got on your computer that conflicts with Word XP. I suggested MS-Works... what program do you have that opens .DOC files? I'd suggest removing it, and try installing Word again. I also read running Windows Update can help (though this seems unlikely)

2) you can fly me out to the USA and i'll personally fix the problem for you... plus provide one-to-one on photoshop editing. :D :p j/k
IMHO, that's a limitation between the combination of XP home edition, and the stand alone MS Word.

My suggestion, install XP Pro on your pc, and get the full suite MS office. There's got to be a friend that has all those for you to 'try' :).