Window Fix It Thingy

Hi Ray,

Sorry, the only way is to pull them off for a visual inspection.

One trick I use is when I remove the door panel, before I go near it with any tool, I cover the switch cover (metallic gray plastic panel) with wide blue painters tape. That will protect it from any scratches.

I just checked mine. They had updated regulators in already. :D

The door panels really are pretty easy to get off since they are screwed on rather than those stupid plugs that other cars have.

Don't hesitate in doing it. While I was in there I took the whole door apart and cleaned out the window guides. The drivers side window was very slow. This was the dirtiest job I have done in a long time. Nasty lithium grease etc.... all gunked up in the guides.

The window goes up 2 to 3 times faster now. Whole job took probably 4 hours.
Ray Rodriguez said:
I read the instructions & saw the pictures. Im just worried that I might not be able to put it back in the original condition.

I have the fixit thingies on hand myself. Maybe you can watch me remove the door panel to see how everything goes. I might try to do it sometime this weekend. If I do, I'll give you a call.