Will the real solution to stuck fan please stand up?

28 June 2002
Corrales, NM
Sorry to ask this question agan, but I can't seem to find the right answer or topic.

1995 climate control fan has a mind of it's own and goes to high all by itself. Even if I press "OFF", it still runs until it decides to stop on its own. Where do I find the answer or topic that solves for my problem?
Most the trouble shooting involves using a known good climate control unit. Some of the obvious are to check the blower motor relay in the under-hood relay box A. The box is located under the hood, passenger side, next to the fuse box, on the firewall, above the spare. remove the top of the box that is shaped like a double thick VCR tape. There are two rows of relays. On the front row there should be 5 relays all the same size. The fifth relay on the right end, closest to the driver's side is the blower motor relay that could be bad. I would bet this is the problem, and you may try just cleaning the contacts. I doubt if the 30 amp blower fuse is bad, but you might check it and the left and right fan fuses in the fuse box next to the relay box. Good luck!
It must be relay. Slingshot is right. I had similar problem and I replaced all my relays