Will I fit in an NSX

2 March 2010
Edmonton, AB
Been seriously looking into an nsx and I was just wondering what it would take to get my lanky 6'7" ass frame into one of these cars. Any tall owners out there? Does the seat go back far enough/ there enough headroom stock? Has anyone found a solution if there is one? Please help me out.


No you will not. That is the short answer. If by chance you have really long legs and no torso than maybe....you will fit in there with a seat change out. I am 6'1" tall and I barely fit in there with a helmet on. The people that are taller than me that currently fit in there are ruining their posture with the seat fitting. If you sit in the car the way it is meant to be sat in than 6'3" tall will hit the room in most cases. When you drive you should have your elbows bent a fair amount. If you have to tilt the seat all the way back it probably isn't going to be an enjoyable fit for you.
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AT 6'2" I have the seat fully reclined and just have headroom in a coupe. No way I fit in a T as the roll bar behind the driver's head is bulkier for the obvious reasons.
Serious seat change and a modest operation and you are good to go. :frown:
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I'm 6'7" with a 36-37" inseam. All legs, normal torso? I don't fit in damn near any car... But I make myself fit so long as headroom is doable. I will do most anything if that means me fitting in one. So seat pad trimming or a sports seat is a possibility?

Find a local owner and try it.
I am in Northern VA and you are welcome to give it a try...BYO shoehorn :biggrin:
I seriously doubt a Targa is going to work. Your best bet is to try a coupe. I'm 6'3 with a 35" inseam and my hair is touching the roof. I am thinking that with 2 more inches of torso you will need a thinner seat cushion with a coupe to be comfortable. You want to be able to enjoy a long drive as these cars are very well suited for them. Leg room isn't an issue. I dont even drive with the seat all the way back.
I wonder if I will fit in an NSX every time I'm on Prime.

I'm 6'5" with a 38 waist. I got the chance to ride in Brylek's NSX last summer...it was definitely a tight squeeze but I'm sure with some adjusting I could make it comfortable. The seats were a bit tight on my hips, wouldn't be comfortable on a long drive. We also had the targa off...so I'm guessing my hair would brush the roof.

I've thought about getting the Dali thin seat pads but the lower I sat in the seat...the tighter the squeeze.
Its radical but if you really want to fit take the seat out and have a beaded seat poured by a Formula car race shop.
Plus side is that no-one can borrow your car except your twin brother and you have a real live custom glove fit car.

With all this advice it should be obvious to you that the only way you'll ever know the answer to this is to find one to sit in. Then you'll most likely have to mod the seat bottom. Lot's here on Prime about Dali racing cushions and seats. These cars aren't for every frame type.

I would definitly think that a guy that is 6'-5 with a 38" waist is gonna have a hard time with this car. It's hard getting in and out for me too and I'm 5'9" and height and width is no problem for me but just getting in and out because it's so low is hard enough for a shortish guy - how is it for you taller guys??

Good luck!
I'm 6' 1" with a 36" waist / 34" inseam at 215 lbs.

I sat in several NSXs and said to my-self that I expected more room than I had in my S. But this was not the case. I said I was not going to buy this car. I then took one for a drive and I forgot all about the lack of headroom.

I do agree that I will not be able track this car without doing something with the seat. because me and my helmet will not fit without some serious slouching. As far as the ride with the stock seat it is dooable fro driving around and on a long trip.

I have my old Mugen S1R with Mugen rails from my S, but I am not sure if it will bolt up. I need to test this out soon.
No you will not. That is the short answer. If by chance you have really long legs and no torso than maybe....you will fit in there with a seat change out. I am 6'1" tall and I barely fit in there with a helmet on. The people that are taller than me that currently fit in there are ruining their posture with the seat fitting. If you sit in the car the way it is meant to be sat in than 6'3" tall will hit the room in most cases. When you drive you should have your elbows bent a fair amount. If you have to tilt the seat all the way back it probably isn't going to be an enjoyable fit for you.

Although this question is played out, i disagree with everyone because i am 6'6". I own a 2002 targa top and fit. I took out the seat cushion and literally sit on a frame. Its not uncomfortable actuallt its like a bucket seat.... Ghetto seat with no cushion but eventually i will get leather just to lay down. So yes, you will snugly fit with seat forward to make sure ur head doesnt hit the roof trim and wheel all the way up and out. You may be snug but then again, you own an nsx
I'm 6'2" with a 34' WAIST and I fit fine. My helmet hits the roof though and my seat is all the way back. You can take out the bottom seat cushion and put a dense carpet pad over the seat pan and you might fit if your inseam is no longer than 35". I have a coupe. Just sit in one and if you aren't comfortable don't drive it. If you drive it you'll fall in love and it will be like marriage - a love/hate thing! Happy Motoring!
Thank you so much everyone for your input. If it means sitting on the frame, i will do it. If it means I have to go for a coupe instead of a targa... I guess I could go that route too. Now if only one of you guys lived in Alberta Canada then I can come for a test fit :biggrin::biggrin:

Post up a thread in the appropriate International Forum...I am sure there is a Prime member there somewhere.
I'm 6'1", 165lbs and i fit fine. I've got some head room to spare .... as long as I don't hit any bumps:tongue: I don't have the seat all the way back, so leg room is probably gonna be OK, head rood will depend on weather you drive straight back like a 60yr old (my style) or leaned back like a gansta

PS I'm in Halifax, NS if you wanna make the trip for a test sit