Will be doing brake flush soon, some questions.

5 January 2011
Southern California
I have a few questions actually but I will use sarh function for most (like which order to bleed).

But I made this thread for a specific question. Can I flush my old fluid out with ATE Super blue and not my ABS? This is a 95. The reason I ask is because I preffer to do my own work at home, but I do not have the bleeder tool. Is it a seperate system or is the fluid shared from brakes to ABS?

I'm hoping I can flush my brakes without having to do ABS so I can do it at home and not send to a shop. I just want the benefit of higher boiling point so I wont lose my brakes again at the track and I know it only boils in the caliper area.


PS: If you happen to know bleeding order then that would be nice info to have here as well. Or any brake bleeding advice I can use before I start that next week.
It's in the brake section of the manual (Chap 19, pdf pg 688). It's 2 separate systems which is why you see 2 separate reservoirs under the hood. And why there are 2 separate flush and bleed procedures in the manual. And Dan O Land. And nobody put anything in the wiki for bleeding cars with ABS removed or it wouldn't be a generally applicable resource.

I will be doing a writeup on the NSX-R splash guard mod this weekend. I did it before the NSXPO track events and it helped tremendously.