Wife leaving me

16 June 2002
for about a month or so. With her job of course.:D
She is being offered the chance to go to India for about a month and is excited by nervous at the same time.
I have encouraged her to go since it is the chance of a lifetime(?) to go free of charge, travel the world, meet new people and get paid for it all the while.
What do you think she should do?
Here is what you tell her.....bebe, I'll miss you so dearlllly when you are gone.....and than caught**** "shopping festival in india every month":D

92NSX said:
for about a month or so. With her job of course.:D
She is being offered the chance to go to India for about a month and is excited by nervous at the same time.
I have encouraged her to go since it is the chance of a lifetime(?) to go free of charge, travel the world, meet new people and get paid for it all the while.
What do you think she should do?
I was on deck to go twice for work and both trips fell through. I work with colleages that travel to India every few months.
My advice is do NOT drink the water or let the water from showers get into your mouth!!! Even in the best hotels.
I would tell her to go. It is a great opportunity, but be prepared to see the States differently afterwards.
We have NO idea what real poverty looks like!!! It is very disturbing.
She should go! It is one of the best places on earth to visit. Just don't drink the water... only bottled water and pop. I was there for all of December... one of the best times of my life. It is actually very easy to get along there... everyone is educated and speaks english. Tell her not to be nervous... just cautious like you would any time you travel. By the way what city is she going to? I am assuming it is IT related.
Yo Yo Maurice - before I read your post, I thought it was the "d" word. It appears that this is not the case, so I can breath a sigh of relief.....honestly, as much shit that I have given you, which you'll notice has subsided, right? :)

My wife spent a month in Atlanta and another month in Kansas City - we absolutely hated it being apart.

She is now on "chick trip" with her two sisters, and while it is only six days, I miss her so much.

Aww. Andy the hard-ass has a soft side. :)
My family is from India, and I am obviously Indian too.

I would say do it for sure! It's definitely shocking!

First and foremost: Drink Bisleri water only (its the equivalent of say Dasani/Alhambra here). Since we're from the US, the water could definitely make you sick if you're not careful! Therefore this is a good precaution.

Don't ride busses, rickshaws, etc. I've been to India maybe three times in my life and I have yet to drive there. Always use a TAXI or some form of chauferred transportation.

Might I ask why India though? I know there is a huge amount of outsourcing going on there--could this be one of the components?

Good wishes!


I figured that subject line would evoke the same thought in everyones mind.:D
I have noticed a subsiding in ribbing department.:) I guess that is because I don't visit FI anymore, and now I know you do have a soft side.;) j/k

She works for a ISP and they have a center over there and she would be training workers there. She absolutely loves to travel and is looking forward to going. They have told her in the past that she was going only to back out shortly after. This time they all but promised her by 3-12-04 she would be leaving. Kinda funny because she was so tired of them telling her one thing and then doing another that she was putting out her resume.
Thanks for all the advice and please keep comments and suggestions coming.
Maurice: I take it you have no children yet?
She should go. definitely.
BUT... take her to an Indian restaurant first... if she can't handle the curries, 30 days of friend rice will kill her... that's if the water doesn't. :D
NeoNSX said:
take her to an Indian restaurant first... if she can't handle the curries, 30 days of friend rice will kill her
Excellent point. I like Indian food, but as with sushi, it's not for everyone. There will probably be other types of food as well, but they'll likely differ slightly from what you get here, and prepared to cater to the Indian palate.

Also, how are women treated in India these days? Is wife-burning still going on? I assume foreigners are treated with respect, partictularly business travelers.
pt91 said:
My advice is do NOT drink the water or let the water from showers get into your mouth!!! Even in the best hotels.

This is very good advice. I have a friend who went to India and was infected with a parasite in the water. He was very sick to the point he lost 30 pounds and most of his hair. I am not sure if the hair loss was from the parasite or the stress of the whole ordeal. It took him the better part of THREE years to get well. He now will not drink or use water that is not filtered even here in the US.
- do not drink water
- do not show anything that is worth more than 5$
- NEVER take out money on the street
- do not drive

That's all! A couple friends have been there and said it is a wonderful place, just play it safe.

Just to jump in -- since you've no kids (yet?), she should definitely go. It's the chance of a lifetime.

Plus, look at it from your POV -- most of us struggle to get a "boys night out" every now and then -- you'll have a "boys month out"! :D
NeoNSX said:
She should go. definitely.
BUT... take her to an Indian restaurant first... if she can't handle the curries, 30 days of friend rice will kill her... that's if the water doesn't. :D

What is friend rice?
NSX01 said:
What is friend rice?

opps typo. I meant "fried" :rolleyes:

"Friend Rice" could mean a friend's riced car. A month of being seen with that would kill anyone's social life. :p

My ex- went to India for two weeks on a mission trip. She disliked spicey food, so it was fried rice all the way. She said the food got really boring ... but the people were apparently great!