wierd turn-signal pattern....

10 October 2003
Los Angeles, CA
I've noticed that my side markers would blink differently every now and then. The turnsignals up front (next to parking lights) would sometimes blink in opposite of the side-marker, and sometimes they would blink in tandem...anyone else have this in their NSX? Is this normal? :confused:
nsxtasy said:
I think this means your car is being controlled remotely, by aliens on another planet.

I have heard of this. I read it on www.blackcopters.com

About the signals- have you checked that the lights in the front bumper are working? Has your car been in a body shop lately? Have any accesories been installed lately. Does temp affect the timing of this occurance? How many times has this happened and in what time relation to the first occuance?

NSXTech said:
I have heard of this. I read it on www.blackcopters.com

About the signals- have you checked that the lights in the front bumper are working? Has your car been in a body shop lately? Have any accesories been installed lately. Does temp affect the timing of this occurance? How many times has this happened and in what time relation to the first occuance?


wow...I never really noticed the temp. But I've noticed that the lights would blink in oppostion (turn signal to side marker) since the beginning, and noticed alot of integras did this aswell. Regarding body shop work, yeah, about 2-3 months ago I had a new bumper installed (damn racoon...). It was only last night did I notice that the lights were blinking at the same time when I saw the cars reflection on a shop window. :cool:
I haven't checked this on the NSX, but on the Legend, the side marker blinks with the front turn signal when the lights are off. When the headlights are on, they will alternate. I'm guessing it would be the same on the NSX.
CDX_NSX said:
I haven't checked this on the NSX, but on the Legend, the side marker blinks with the front turn signal when the lights are off. When the headlights are on, they will alternate. I'm guessing it would be the same on the NSX.

Hmmmm...that sounds promising. I'm going to have to check that out!