Why you don't make fraudulent claims against your insurance company.

6 November 2002
As you may or not know I work for a large insurance company. I recently recieved an update on a claim I'm handling. I don't want to get into too many specific details as it hasn't gone to trial yet, but alot of the information has already been made public record after the grand jury found in favor of us and the AG's office and it is going to trial now.

"Bob" wrecks his car at the drag strip. Has a friend tow him to the side of the highway in the middle of the desert. His friend drops him and his car off and leaves. "Bob" calls 911 and says he was run off the road by an unknown vehicle and he's hurt. He goes to the ER by ambulance, is checked out and released. He makes a claim to us for damages to his car and his injuries. The car is an obvious total loss. "Bob" owns the car, so we write him a check for $48k+. We later find out from an anonymous tip what really happened. Long story short, he has been arrested and charged with 4 felonies.
I too am in the insurance claims industry. I see jack-offs try to scam us left and right, yet sometimes they get away with it (although I know they did it) unless we have evidence against them.
Some people just think they are smarter than they really are. Or they think that nobody cares enough to check.

A little story to illustrate how some people just don't think things through:
My wife's coworker a few years ago was driving her car without insurance (already not so bright). She was hit by a guy coming out of a parking lot. He told her he would pull into a side street to exchange information, but took off instead. She decided to call the cops to report a hit and run.

After a few days, she apparently decided they would not find the guy, so she started planning a way to get insurance to pay for it. She would get insurance, then wait a few days, and claim someone hit her then, and put in a claim.

Nevermind that there is already a police report on file about her accident, and that in some cases insurance companies like to get pictures of the car at the time of insuring.

When my wife tried to explain to her some of the pitfalls of her master plan, she said, "what's the worst they can do, say no?". Uh, no, prosecute you for insurance fraud, jackass!

As far as I know, she did not go through with her plan.
Don't they have accident investigators who can investigate the scene to see if an accident was faked?
It was a 95 Viper. Just so you know, when we (insurance companies) send things to you to fill out, don't put false information on the forms and then drop them in the mail. That's mail fraud. That is just one of the felonies that this guy is facing.

Don't they have accident investigators who can investigate the scene to see if an accident was faked?

Yes, we do have those people and also an SIU department. Special Investigation Unit. This is the unit that actually got the tip that this guy was racing. [
There's something else I don't understand. How do you wreck a car at a drag strip?

Well this guy has raced there before. He blew up his engine one day. While it was in the shop for a rebuild, he had a direct port NOS installed. When he brought it to the track and went through tech inspection, they warned him that he probably didn't have the skills to use that safely, but that was all they could do. Sure enough, he launches and slams sideways right into the wall.
i guess the obvious question is, how can you fake an accident?
i mean, you can drop off the wrecked car and place it next to a wall, but the telltale signes of a freeway accident (skidmarks, debris) wouldnt be there
On another note, any drag racers out there wanna enlighten me as to why the lanes are so small? what would be the downside to moving the retaining walls out a little wider?
paladin said:
i guess the obvious question is, how can you fake an accident?
i mean, you can drop off the wrecked car and place it next to a wall, but the telltale signes of a freeway accident (skidmarks, debris) wouldnt be there
On another note, any drag racers out there wanna enlighten me as to why the lanes are so small? what would be the downside to moving the retaining walls out a little wider?

When I was run off the road in my NSX and did some damage to the right side, i drove the car home and called the insurance company the next day. They fixed it no questions asked, no investigation. I do hve a great relationship with my insurance company and a trust relationship with our agent though (me and my family)
When I was run off the road in my NSX and did some damage to the right side, i drove the car home and called the insurance company the next day. They fixed it no questions asked, no investigation. I do hve a great relationship with my insurance company and a trust relationship with our agent though (me and my family)

That's exactly what happened in this accident. The claim was paid no questions asked. Then we got a tip from someone about how the accident really happened. He was bragging about it. I guess what they say is true. If you want to keep a secret, kill yourself.
nsxtasy said:
There's something else I don't understand. How do you wreck a car at a drag strip? :confused:

Unlike us, some cars have the challenge of managing massive amounts of torque....and the drivers of those cars, often accustomed to driving in a straight line, don't know what to do when they start to yaw.
nsxtasy said:
There's something else I don't understand. How do you wreck a car at a drag strip? :confused:

Car gets loose.
Let off throttle.(panic reaction)
Try to correct ,(another panic reation,rather than keep throttle down)"overcorrected " most likely as the front end loads and dives.
Car swerves at full speed smacks wall and flips sideways down the track.
This happens every day.

This is common especially on sub 11 sec cars.
I totalled an 8 sec car just like this 20k in plastic surgery.
And many thousands in damage to the car.
Hey I thought you were a driving instructor the EXPO??

No this was paid by ME not my insurance co.