Why old people should not drive

6 April 2002
Wrightsville, Pa
I went to the gym today at lunch Bally's in Towson Town Center, came out and just missed it happening by a few seconds. An elderly lady thought her car was in reverse and gunned it. Guess what, it was in drive.. :eek: :eek: ]

You can see the brake and transmission fluid all over the edge of the outside of the parking garage.


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mother of god! thats CONCRETE!!! :biggrin:
nsxlover said:
I went to the gym today at lunch Bally's in Towson Town Center, came out and just missed it happening by a few seconds. An elderly lady thought her car was in reverse and gunned it. Guess what, it was in drive.. :eek: :eek: ]

You can see the brake and transmission fluid all over the edge of the outside of the parking garage.

No kidding, I live less than 1/2 mile from there!
I could see it broke through the rebar rods. Nasty, 1 minute later, I would have been walking under that damn thing..
Re: Another reason "Why old people should not drive"

I used to work with a elderly lady that turned into a parking space and hit the throttle. She thought she was hitting the brake pedal. Her car a big a$$ Camaro (V-8 Z-28) flew over the curbing, jumped up and drove up a spindly little tree. The car sat there on this tree with the front-end about four feet above the ground. From the other side it looked as though she was going to fly over the divider and hit us as we drove past. Good thing that little tree held the car from going any further as she might have hit us.
damn, that's pretty crazy....hahahah :biggrin: :eek:
I think I see the Virgin Mary and Jesus in those fluid stains. :tongue:
Holy Crap!!! :eek:

Did she survive???
The car was hanging on by a thread to the garage. They hooked up a tow truck to it and pulled the car back in.
Old people shouldn't drive at all. If they're driving, and suddenly have a heart attack, or stroke, they might end up killing innocent people. Either that, or some drive too quick, or too slow. At a trip to palm springs, while making a U-Turn in the IS300.. a old man managed to hit me at 80mph. :mad:
that reminds me of that other parking garage accident where a sedan ended up wedged up in the air smushed between the top of a suv and the ceiling. Wasn't that caused by an elderly lady also?
Dave, You are correct, it is 8" CMU that has plaster applied to the exterior. But still with the rebar it took alot of force to cause that damage. Lucky no one was below :eek:
I think we need to define what is to be classified as an "old people" so I'll know which of you to aim for in the intersection next year in Sebring. :biggrin:
bodypainter :biggrin: You are very correct. I'll put my AARP sticker on the NSX for NSXPO 2005! :tongue:
When I was a kid, my dad had a a John Deere JDX4 snowmobile. (what maybe 10 bhp) Fast forward, and I am in high school, and I buy a Polaris Indy 3 cyl snowmobile.

He wants to drive it. I tell him "Dad, this is much more powerful than the old JD, I mean way faster" He says "you think I don't know how to drive a snowmobile? I had one for years"

He then sits down, pushes the throttle, and procedes to pull a small wheelie, and crash right into the picnic table and flipping the table over, the sled over, and he flies about 10 feet. I was sooooo pissed that day, but it has brought many years of laughter since. :wink:

Hey djskyy, did you ever sell your car yet? I had mine in the day you did all of the belts etc, for a clutch.
xxx said:
Like what is she, Schumacher? :rolleyes:
You're in a parking garage, relax. :mad:

Couldn't agree more....

But unfortunately, it's not just some old people who should not drive... This 18yr old girl driving here in Australia thought she was hitting the brakes and hit the accelerator, lost control and ploughed along the footpath KILLING 9 people!

She obviously didn't mean to do it but driving tests and competency for BOTH young and old leave a lot to be desired!
Here it is a regular occurence to almost get tagged by old people going the WRONG WAY on one way streets. The worst part is that they have no idea what is going on or why ALL the people are honking at them!! :mad:
Soylent green anyone? :tongue:

Personally I don't have a problem with older people driving. BUT!!! I think they should have to take the driving exams more frequently, maybe a couple times a year, as sometimes when you are really old, your physical AND mental state can change dramatically and quickly. My thoughts arent 100% but its better I feel than the current "havent had an accident, so we'll just keep renewing your lic till you are dead"

My two cents. :cool:
nsxlover said:
An elderly lady thought her car was in reverse and gunned it. Guess what, it was in drive.. :eek: :eek: ]
wow - talk about stereotyping...

every week i read about people waaaaay under "elderly" who back over their children/spouse/pet/friend in their driveways. not to mention "youngsters" (apparently anyone <50) who kill/maim others while they're driving under the influence; or sideshows that take out bystanders, or just trying to show their friends how cool they are.

yup, stupid doesn't fit a single demographic that i know of - stupid is everywhere around us, all the time.

having said that, i'm all for recognizing the fact that mental/physical awareness changes as we age and that driving tests should be administered more frequently to older drivers - just as we've started to tighten up driving priveleges for younger drivers.

fwiw, i just checked and the california license plate AARPNSX is still available ;)

great pics, thanks for sharing!
I saw this today on the way back from lunch (Strapazza's for the locals). It is cement block and a LONG drop down! Glad whoever it was didn't go tumbling over. :eek: