Why do these two look different?

26 September 2005
In my pursuit of clean car, I have noticed alot of differences inside the front bonet. Why are these two similar cars using different colored parts, looks like one is using plastic and the other aluminum? Accident or factory ran out of parts?

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were you supposed to post a picture or another car, I can only see one, so I have nothing to compare. The picture I can see looks fairly normal.
Was getting upload error messages. Renamed file and cropped here it is.
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In the first I see a missing rubber stop (lower left marking) and in the second I think I see some metal aftermarket thing with wire/cable coming out of it (battery kill switch?) mounted to the bolt holding the climate control fan/system (top central marking). I have no idea what you're trying to point out with the two markings you've made on the right side of these photos.
In the first I see a missing rubber stop (lower left marking) and in the second I think I see some metal aftermarket thing with wire/cable coming out of it (battery kill switch?) mounted to the bolt holding the climate control fan/system (top central marking). I have no idea what you're trying to point out with the two markings you've made on the right side of these photos.

On the Right side of the photo one is chrome colored and the other picture black? One looks plastic the other metallic? Same thing for behind the wheel circled one metal the other plastic?
On the Right side of the photo one is chrome colored and the other picture black? One looks plastic the other metallic? Same thing for behind the wheel circled one metal the other plastic?
I don't see what you're talking about. I can't really compare the upper right circled areas because of a difference in lighting between the two pictures (the first having more shadow). The bottom right area has different things circled (the thing circled in second photo isn't within the frame of the first). You need to be a little more specific in your descriptions about what, exactly, in each picture is different. Have you seen these cars in person, or are you drawing odd conclusions from the difference in lighting and framing of low-res pictures of cars you've never seen?
I don't see what you're talking about. I can't really compare the upper right circled areas because of a difference in lighting between the two pictures (the first having more shadow). The bottom right area has different things circled (the thing circled in second photo isn't within the frame of the first). You need to be a little more specific in your descriptions about what, exactly, in each picture is different. Have you seen these cars in person, or are you drawing odd conclusions from the difference in lighting and framing of low-res pictures of cars you've never seen?

System will not allow high resolution photos in JPEG format beyond 97KB. From my end I can see it perfectly clear. You may need to adjust your monitor display settings. Cars are out of State so nope. Look at the second photo on the right, to the right of the fluid tank are plugs/wires. Why are these two similar cars using different colored parts, did the factory deploy different colored parts? What about the top area marked above the spare tire bolt housing, one is black other light? What would cause the rubber stop to disappear?
Look at the second photo on the right, to the right of the fluid tank are plugs/wires. Why are these two similar cars using different colored parts, did the factory deploy different colored parts?
While the green wires look to be routed slightly differently (come up higher in second photo), I think the brackets (holding wire harnesses/connectors) on both vehicles are metal...they just look lighter/darker in the two pictures because of lighting.

What about the top area marked above the spare tire bolt housing, one is black other light?
I already commented on this, the car in second photo seems to have a metal battery kill switch installed there (in front of and thus covering the black seen in first photo).

What would cause the rubber stop to disappear?
They are easy to remove - can be turned easily by hand (designed that way to allow height adjustment). I can't speculate why it would be missing from this car but it's not completely surprising.

You still haven't explained what you're trying to point out with the bottom-right markings.
You still haven't explained what you're trying to point out with the bottom-right markings.

On the bottem right marking, I was pointing out the a metal bracket next to the headlight with two bolts/screws. It is not very visible on the top car in full view, it looks pushed in. What is the function of this bracket?

Here is a close up from a different photo of the passanger side showing the bracket almost completely hidden/tucked under the molding. On the other car its very visible from the same angle/view. Hope you are able to zoom in.
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On the bottem right marking, I was pointing out the a metal bracket next to the headlight with two bolts/screws. It is not very visible on the top car in full view, it looks pushed in. What is the function of this bracket?

Here is a close up from a different photo of the passanger side showing the bracket almost completely hidden/tucked under the molding. On the other car its very visible from the same angle/view. Hope you are able to zoom in.
That bracket is not in the frame of the first picture (impossible to see = impossible to compare). The picture you just attached is not taken at the same angle as the other two...which is why it appears to be more-tucked-in (the bracket is lower than the bumper, so as you the position/angle of the camera when taking pictures you'll get more bumper in front of the picture). I believe that bracket is one of several that hold the bumper in place (this one I think helps the shell line up correctly with the hood).

Generally speaking you're not going to be able to pick out wrecked-and-repaired vs. never-wrecked from pictures. I would suggest asking the seller, getting an inspection done, and then looking at the car in person if you want to find that out. Nit-picking pictures as you're doing is not going to be very productive...and you're going to get a lot of false positives for issues (you'll see differences/problems that aren't there) unless you start applying common sense to your review of these photos.
That bracket is not in the frame of the first picture (impossible to see = impossible to compare). The picture you just attached is not taken at the same angle as the other two...which is why it appears to be more-tucked-in (the bracket is lower than the bumper, so as you the position/angle of the camera when taking pictures you'll get more bumper in front of the picture). I believe that bracket is one of several that hold the bumper in place (this one I think helps the shell line up correctly with the hood).

Generally speaking you're not going to be able to pick out wrecked-and-repaired vs. never-wrecked from pictures. I would suggest asking the seller, getting an inspection done, and then looking at the car in person if you want to find that out. Nit-picking pictures as you're doing is not going to be very productive...and you're going to get a lot of false positives for issues (you'll see differences/problems that aren't there) unless you start applying common sense to your review of these photos.

Your right PPI is a must. Being a clinical consultant and not a mechanic i lack the experienced eye that you posses. So when I start seeing miscolored parts it triggers questions.

Thank you for your response.
is there a difference in the year models of these cars?

sometimes parts are replaced/changed for cost down - maybe this is one of those cases.... just a guess. if it's just the material that's off, that's what i'd imagine, because i can't think of any reason another company would make these parts.

it's good that you're looking that closely into it though - you're going to end up with a nice nsx :smile:

let us know what you find