why do people... ?

14 December 2003
NSXPO '05, '10 & '15
This weekend I noticed a few things that people do, and can't understand on earth why they would, so I'm posting my observations here in the hopes someone can shed some light on them:

1) Why do people key stranger's cars? My cousin is a sweet girl who moved out to LA and started working at UCLA a few months ago. She leased a new Accord sedan for the new life in LA. A few weeks after starting at UCLA, and not really knowing anyone (or having any enemies), someone keyed her car in the UCLA parking lot. I just can't understand why some stranger would key other people's vehicles. It's not logical to me. Maybe someone can explain it to me. My cousin is taking it well, she tells me she's trying not to focus on it or she'll get depressed. I feel so bad for her, and I want to beat the snot out of the idiot who did it.

2) Why do people rice up crappy cars? I drove past some really modded vehicles, including a Chevy Malibu that was lowered to the ground with expensive rims sticking out of it. It drove like crap over the LA freeway (which has that terrible bouncy tendency). I just can't fathom why someone would dump money on a crappy car. Prior to my NSX, the only modification I ever did to my cars was to tint them. I would never waste a dime modding sub-par vehicles. I'd rather save the money used to mod a crappy car and buy a better vehicle to begin with.

3) Why do people buy more expensive gas when cheaper gas is across the street? This really puzzled me. I was driving this morning 10:30am, and I stop at an intersection and see 3 gas stations. 2 gas stations (Texaco and a generic brand) has unleaded at $2.23, one gas station (Shell) has unleaded at $2.29. All 3 gas stations have people gassing up their trucks, cars, etc. Traffic was none existant, so convenience in terms of which side the gas stations are on shouldn't really affect which gas station gets the most traffic. I just couldn't understand why people would buy the more expensive gas at Shell when cheaper gas was right across the street... :confused:

4) Why do idiots put themselves and others in danger intentionally?? I was driving home on the freeway, and I was on the #3 lane of the 4 lane freeway. The #1 lane is clear. There was a big rig on the #4 lane next to me, and a Chevy SUV slightly to the left and back of me on the #2 lane. As I'm carefully driving the speed limit (with wife and baby on board), I look in the rear-view mirror and I see two headlights coming fast at my SUV.

This driver is coming so fast that it makes my 70 MPH speed (the limit) look like I'm sitting still. I felt like a deer looking at headlights, as the two headlights came at me so fast from the rear. The car (240SX) somehow manages to avoid hitting me and the Chevh SUV to the left of me by squeezing through by the narrowest of margins between us. I was shocked and outraged. This schmuck was racing a Dodge Neon and had put my wife and my baby at risk.

I was so pissed off that I honked my horn multiple times and flashed my lights. I immediately called 911 and reported these dangerous drivers. I was wishing that I had stepped on the brakes and let the 240 SX slam into my SUV (just wishing and venting), and put some pain into the driver. Why do these immature jerks like to intentionally cut into other vehicles when there is plenty of space available elsewhere? :mad:
I want to beat the snot out of the idiot who did it.

Well well, you’re a nice addition to our society.

I would never waste a dime modding sub-par vehicles.

Good for you.....you have your priorities and they have theirs. Why condescend them?

Why do people buy more expensive gas when cheaper gas is across the street?



I just couldn't understand why people would buy the more expensive gas at Shell when cheaper gas was right across the street.

Wow, six whole cents per gallon. For a full tank fill on an NSX, that is only $1.08. I can turn that around on you and ask why you buy name-brand jeans vs generic jeans.

I was so pissed off that I honked my horn multiple times and flashed my lights.

You need to attend an anger management class. But then again, your very first comment (in bold) at the beginning of this post captures your general attitude.

I was wishing that I had stepped on the brakes and let the 240 SX slam into my SUV.

There appears to be a recurring pattern in your thoughts, that you a lot of pent up angst.

Why do these immature jerks like to intentionally cut into other vehicles when there is plenty of space available elsewhere?

Why ask us? Go ask the immature jerk.
NsXMas said:
4) Why do idiots put themselves and others in danger intentionally?? ...... (with wife and baby on board), ........

I was wishing that I had stepped on the brakes and let the 240 SX slam into my SUV (just wishing and venting), and put some pain into the driver. :mad:
So you wish that you had put yourself, your wife and baby in danger intensionally just because you were mad and want to put some pain into the 240SX driver? And you asked why these IDIOTS put themselves and others in danger intentionally? :rolleyes:
On the other hand, I do agree that people who key people's cars deserve some serious slapping. Michael Faye came to mind.
That's just Andy being Andy. What's unusual is that I agree with most everything he said.

People that key other's car DO deserve a beat down. Haters.
hlweyl said:
That's just Andy being Andy. What's unusual is that I agree with most everything he said.

I too am shocked. I agree with Andy on almost everything he wrote. The only part I don't agree with is the assumption about what type of jeans NsXMas wears.

Someone would have to be neurotic to worry about .06 cents per gallon of gas difference. Even if they had a 50 gallon tank the difference would be 3 bucks. Big whoop.
NsXMas said:
This weekend I noticed a few things that people do, and can't understand on earth why they would, so I'm posting my observations here in the hopes someone can shed some light on them:

1) Why do people key stranger's cars? My cousin is a sweet girl who moved out to LA and started working at UCLA a few months ago. She leased a new Accord sedan for the new life in LA. A few weeks after starting at UCLA, and not really knowing anyone (or having any enemies), someone keyed her car in the UCLA parking lot. I just can't understand why some stranger would key other people's vehicles. It's not logical to me. Maybe someone can explain it to me. My cousin is taking it well, she tells me she's trying not to focus on it or she'll get depressed. I feel so bad for her, and I want to beat the snot out of the idiot who did it.

2) Why do people rice up crappy cars? I drove past some really modded vehicles, including a Chevy Malibu that was lowered to the ground with expensive rims sticking out of it. It drove like crap over the LA freeway (which has that terrible bouncy tendency). I just can't fathom why someone would dump money on a crappy car. Prior to my NSX, the only modification I ever did to my cars was to tint them. I would never waste a dime modding sub-par vehicles. I'd rather save the money used to mod a crappy car and buy a better vehicle to begin with.

3) Why do people buy more expensive gas when cheaper gas is across the street? This really puzzled me. I was driving this morning 10:30am, and I stop at an intersection and see 3 gas stations. 2 gas stations (Texaco and a generic brand) has unleaded at $2.23, one gas station (Shell) has unleaded at $2.29. All 3 gas stations have people gassing up their trucks, cars, etc. Traffic was none existant, so convenience in terms of which side the gas stations are on shouldn't really affect which gas station gets the most traffic. I just couldn't understand why people would buy the more expensive gas at Shell when cheaper gas was right across the street... :confused:

4) Why do idiots put themselves and others in danger intentionally?? I was driving home on the freeway, and I was on the #3 lane of the 4 lane freeway. The #1 lane is clear. There was a big rig on the #4 lane next to me, and a Chevy SUV slightly to the left and back of me on the #2 lane. As I'm carefully driving the speed limit (with wife and baby on board), I look in the rear-view mirror and I see two headlights coming fast at my SUV.

This driver is coming so fast that it makes my 70 MPH speed (the limit) look like I'm sitting still. I felt like a deer looking at headlights, as the two headlights came at me so fast from the rear. The car (240SX) somehow manages to avoid hitting me and the Chevh SUV to the left of me by squeezing through by the narrowest of margins between us. I was shocked and outraged. This schmuck was racing a Dodge Neon and had put my wife and my baby at risk.

I was so pissed off that I honked my horn multiple times and flashed my lights. I immediately called 911 and reported these dangerous drivers. I was wishing that I had stepped on the brakes and let the 240 SX slam into my SUV (just wishing and venting), and put some pain into the driver. Why do these immature jerks like to intentionally cut into other vehicles when there is plenty of space available elsewhere? :mad:

1. I got over the fact that my car was keyed with the help of other people that rear ended, scratch and hit my car.

2. difference of personal preference.

3. I am one of those that gets gas at more expensive station, simply because there is a line at less expensive station.

4. road rage, next time just take a deep breath and let it go. not worth it to get your blood pressure up.
steveny said:
I too am shocked. I agree with Andy on almost everything he wrote. The only part I don't agree with is the assumption about what type of jeans NsXMas wears.

Someone would have to be neurotic to worry about .06 cents per gallon of gas difference. Even if they had a 50 gallon tank the difference would be 3 bucks. Big whoop.
LOL. I was just curious as to why people don't pay attention to saving money when it's right in front of their face.

Sure it's just 6 cents per gallon, but when you can save money so easily, and choose not to, it's kind of interesting.

I've bought gas from all kinds of gas stations, including CostCo brand and other generic gas stations, for over 15 years. The brand of gas I've bought really has made a ZILCH of difference whatsoever for the normal cars I've driven, so I'm curious as how how gas companies can charge more money for gas and still get people to pay for them. I mean if you're driving a normal (non-performance orientated) vehicle, gas is just gas. oh well *shrug*. :)
whiteNSXs said:
So you wish that you had put yourself, your wife and baby in danger intensionally just because you were mad and want to put some pain into the 240SX driver? And you asked why these IDIOTS put themselves and others in danger intentionally? :rolleyes:
On the other hand, I do agree that people who key people's cars deserve some serious slapping. Michael Faye came to mind.
Like I said, I was venting. No way I would have, but the shocking degree of carelessness of the racers on the freeway in their willingness to put others at risk was very upsetting.

I view the traffic as a community, where I have to watch out for the safety of others and hope they do the same for me, regardless of what vehicle I am driving.
Well Andy, it's so nice that you're not so judgemental about other people, especially people who are just posting whimsical thoughts on Off Topic of NSX Prime, LOL :D

Thanks, for showing others what kind of a non-judgemental kind human being you are. :) You are such a valued member of the NSX Prime community. :tongue:

PS - anger management was a very funny movie, especially when Jack Nicholson pushed that BMW (or was it Mercedes?) off the garage. I felt bad for the other owner though. ;)

AndyVecsey said:
I want to beat the snot out of the idiot who did it.

Well well, you’re a nice addition to our society.

I would never waste a dime modding sub-par vehicles.

Good for you.....you have your priorities and they have theirs. Why condescend them?

Why do people buy more expensive gas when cheaper gas is across the street?



I just couldn't understand why people would buy the more expensive gas at Shell when cheaper gas was right across the street.

Wow, six whole cents per gallon. For a full tank fill on an NSX, that is only $1.08. I can turn that around on you and ask why you buy name-brand jeans vs generic jeans.

I was so pissed off that I honked my horn multiple times and flashed my lights.

You need to attend an anger management class. But then again, your very first comment (in bold) at the beginning of this post captures your general attitude.

I was wishing that I had stepped on the brakes and let the 240 SX slam into my SUV.

There appears to be a recurring pattern in your thoughts, that you a lot of pent up angst.

Why do these immature jerks like to intentionally cut into other vehicles when there is plenty of space available elsewhere?

Why ask us? Go ask the immature jerk.
1. I got over the fact that my car was keyed with the help of other people that rear ended, scratch and hit my car.

2. difference of personal preference.

3. I am one of those that gets gas at more expensive station, simply because there is a line at less expensive station.

4. road rage, next time just take a deep breath and let it go. not worth it to get your blood pressure up.
Thanks for the nice reply.

When you're doing a road trip for over 10 hours, your mind starts to wonder about small things. These 4 things kept playing over in my mind even though in the end I had a very safe road trip and am home safe and sound. :)

I have a daily work commute of an hour each way to work, so I come across lots of rude drivers and for the most part they don't get to me.

For this road trip I decided to relax, take it easy, and not let any stress get to me. I set the cruise control to the speed limit, moved over to the right lane the whole way (to avoid the aggressive drivers, not get any tickets, and to have better fuel economy in my SUV). So it was rather shocking that trouble still came to me. Oh well, thank goodness no one was hurt.
Well Andy, it's so nice that you're not so judgemental about other people.....

I never said that, so please don’t “put words in my mouth”. I will be the first to admit that I am very judgmental. Call it my curse. By the way, there is no letter “e” in the above j-word. See, I am now judging you on your aversion to spell check. Not that I am perfect, but I use it.

Thanks, for showing others what kind of a non-judgemental kind human being you are.

See above response.

You are such a valued member of the NSX Prime community.

You are entitled to your opinion.

Andy being Andy? I feel sorry for Andy then, cause I thought for sure it had to be PMS.

No need to ever feel sorry for me, but thanks for the thought.
Why are you replying in this thread? It's clear I don't value your opinion.

AndyVecsey said:
Well Andy, it's so nice that you're not so judgemental about other people.....

I never said that, so please don’t “put words in my mouth”. I will be the first to admit that I am very judgmental. Call it my curse. By the way, there is no letter “e” in the above j-word. See, I am now judging you on your aversion to spell check. Not that I am perfect, but I use it.

Thanks, for showing others what kind of a non-judgemental kind human being you are.

See above response.

You are such a valued member of the NSX Prime community.

You are entitled to your opinion.

Andy being Andy? I feel sorry for Andy then, cause I thought for sure it had to be PMS.

No need to ever feel sorry for me, but thanks for the thought.
Hey Andy,

Nothing personal but have you ever tried wearing loose fitting underwear? :biggrin:
Let me take an honest stab at this based on my limited courses in Psychology, Sociology and Traffic School.

1. Power/Control.
“I’m going to make you mad and there isn’t anything you can do about it”.
Possibly slight bit of jealousy depending on the car.
The urge to punch the responsible party is natural. To act on it is jail.

2) Self esteem/ Ego. Probably driven by lack of finances yet a strong desire to fit in. Spending $2.00 on a car then adding $50.00 worth of accessories is common. “I’m a playa now.”
To each his own - that’s great.

3) ???
Could be how you were raised. “a penny saved is a penny earned”
I can relate here - I grew up recycling zip-lock bags and tin foil from my school lunches.
I’ll look for a gas bargain - but won’t drive across town for it.
NsXMas may have the last laugh here. He’ll invest all his savings in a nice stock and be rich!

4) Another Power/Ego Trip.
“Look at me I’m a highly skilled racer.” (Ego)/ Knowingly speeding way past the limits of reasonable speeding (Power).
Again - Okay to be angry - but just move over - don’t mess with natural selection.

Last edited:
I buy at gas stations who support motorsports regardless of their prices i.e. (BP,Sunoco,Mobil) well at least who support the motorsports that I like! :biggrin:

I also do the same with all mfg. Micky D's just dropped a cashcrop to help Champcar. I will spend my money there. Target sponsors openwheel racing (wish it was still Champcar though:mad: ) Wal-Mart does not. Tag Heuer, Red Bull, Kumho, Corona, Tecate, etc etc I try to pick products that support my hobbies. Without them, my hobby would not exist.
T Bell said:
I buy at gas stations who support motorsports regardless of their prices i.e. (BP,Sunoco,Mobil) well at least who support the motorsports that I like! :biggrin:

I also do the same with all mfg. Micky D's just dropped a cashcrop to help Champcar. I will spend my money there. Target sponsors openwheel racing (wish it was still Champcar though:mad: ) Wal-Mart does not. Tag Heuer, Red Bull, Kumho, Corona, Tecate, etc etc I try to pick products that support my hobbies. Without them, my hobby would not exist.

Great Idea! Lucky for me Budweiser has it's fingers in almost everything, so in a way I support everything. I feel really good about myself right now, think i'll have a beer.
Thanks for the insightful post! This was the kind of discussion I was hoping to see.

PS - I am very conscious about how I spend money, so no brand name jeans for me! ;) I'd rather use the money to buy accessories for my NSX, or bank it for my daughter's college tuition. :tongue:

Casper91 said:
Let me take an honest stab at this based on my limited courses in Psychology, Sociology and Traffic School.

1. Power/Control.
“I’m going to make you mad and there isn’t anything you can do about it”.
Possibly slight bit of jealousy depending on the car.
The urge to punch the responsible party is natural. To act on it is jail.

2) Self esteem/ Ego. Probably driven by lack of finances yet a strong desire to fit in. Spending $2.00 on a car then adding $50.00 worth of accessories is common. “I’m a playa now.”
To each his own - that’s great.

3) ???
Could be how you were raised. “a penny saved is a penny earned”
I can relate here - I grew up recycling zip-lock bags and tin foil from my school lunches.
I’ll look for a gas bargain - but won’t drive across town for it.
NsXMas may have the last laugh here. He’ll invest all his savings in a nice stock and be rich!

4) Another Power/Ego Trip.
“Look at me I’m a highly skilled racer.” (Ego)/ Knowingly speeding way past the limits of reasonable speeding (Power).
Again - Okay to be angry - but just move over - don’t mess with natural selection.

NsXMas said:
Why are you replying in this thread? It's clear I don't value your opinion.

I am replying to this thread, because that is my right. Don't like it? Don't read it. BTW, in case you missed it, two other people do agree with me, so there. :smile:

As far as you not valuing my opinion, I'm about to cry. But wait, there is hope.....somebody else might like me. Sniffle. :frown: