Why do guys in pick-up's hate bikers?

19 February 2003
So I've been riding my bicycle about 6 days per week and average between 12 and 15 miles per night. I get yelled at about once a week and it's ALWAYS some young guy in a pick-up truck.

I'm clueless as to why this happens. I only ride on roads that have a full shoulder to ride on. I do have to pass through intersections, but I follow the rules of the road, stay in my proper lane position and always yield to the cars first.

I'm telling you I am fed up! I'm tired of turning the other cheek too. I got yelled at tonight and yelled back, I saw that he had a possibility of getting caught at the next light and DID. I almost had him when the light turned green, he immediatly turned left so there was no possiblity of catching up to him. He gave me the finger, I returned it and stopped my bike and waved him back. Alas... a coward.

I was talking to a patient of mine this week who also rides and he said he was hit on purpose about 3 weeks ago. He said they swerved far onto the shoulder and knocked him off the bike. Fortunately he was not injured badly. I asked by chance if it was a young guy in a pick-up truck and he said yes. What is their problem?

Vent over.
Sorry to hear about what happened to you and your friend.

I've always had a pick-up truck and let me be the one to say, I am always careful around cyclists and motorcycles. Some people are just ignorant and selfish..

I dare it to say that they need a near death experience to open their eyes.

Let the gods take care of the a$$es that you speak of.
I have a HUGE problem with bikers in my area, but that is because we have a DEDICATED BIKE only path about 12 feet off the road way and the morons still INSIST on riding on the road...and I'm talking about a 1 lane (each way) road that travels at 45mph-60mph. It's incredibly unsafe to have bikes on the road; hence the bike path.

In your case though, I think they're just being jackasses. If you're staying in the bike path, then all is well in my book...just don't do what the locals around here do!
I've been stuck behind bikers on shoulder-less roads with alot of two way traffic and it is dangerous I admit. I always wonder why they don't choose better roads to ride on. Biking is dangerous enough even when riding on good roads. Unfortunately I cannot run nor do much walking because of a very painful foot condition... so biking it is.

Sorry don't mean to offend pick-up truck drivers, it's a very small percentage of the population that feel the overwhelming need to shout/throw/swerve at us bikers. Today was actually the first time where someone said something with a stop light not too far away, usually the cowards know better:mad: and they make sure they have a clear getaway.
I also ride my baike at night. Its great excercise and its relaxing. I also get the a-hole that want to taunt and try to intimidate bikers. One time I had a guy get right on my ass and stay there. I stopped, got off and stood there in front of his car. He revved his engine as though to scare me. He changed his tune when he realized he was looking down the barrel of my .40 cal Glock. By the way, Im a Texas Peace Officer so I carry a concealed weapon all the time. These guys need to understand that the actions they take in the name of fun, can have serious ramifications. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Great story! There are times when I would love to be a cop.

But for all the other times, you can HAVE that job.... way too dangerous for me!