Why did my oil extraction pump not work?

17 September 2006
Spicewood, TX (Lake Travis)
I changed the oil on my NSX yesterday. I planned to use my trusty extraction pump (same unit as in the DIY thread). I used the smallest tube, pushed it into the dipstick tube as far as it would go. Felt like the tube has a serpentine path to the oil pan.

Best I could get was a tiny amount of oil pickup. Ended up doing it the old way through the drain plug etc.

Is there a trick to get the pickup tube into the oil pan?
Sounds like you may have pushed to tube in too far and it turned upward and out of the actual oil:).

I can confirm that those oil extractors do work on the NSX (well, it works on my '92!!). I love it... Never have to take the oil drain plug out. It is slowwwww though.
Sounds like you may have pushed to tube in too far and it turned upward and out of the actual oil:).


I never thought of this possibility. I assumed instead that the tube simply wasn't reaching the bottom of the oil pan (even though it seemed to go a hell of a long way. I will try again in 5000 miles and not insert it so far...