Who's the Funniest on Prime!?

Who is the Funniest on Prime?

  • 8000RPM

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Forums Nazi

    Votes: 10 24.4%
  • Gheba_nsx

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • Doug Green

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NeoNSX

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • NSXaholic

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • NSXTASY (+ the REAL nsxtasy)

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • PhoeN$X

    Votes: 7 17.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
2 October 2001
Thought this was a good idea for a thread... who do you think is the funniest poster on prime and why?

This is a good opportunity to reflect on past jokes. You can't nominate yourself (wrong type of "funny" :p)

I'd also like to nominate the following who missed out on being in the poll (due to a max. of 10 options :( )

<LI>Blue Knight

UPDATE: here's a list of the other <A HREF="http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/memberlist.php?what=topposters&perpage=50">top 50 funny posters</A> on prime. :D
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...and Neo voted for MYNSX! :D

...this lead to the fact that *I* voted for myself... and this definitely denotes infinite uncoolness on my side! :rolleyes: :p :cool:

I thought a lot more votes were done (too lazy to check the poll results before voting...) and I did not want to remain to zero.

Now I will probably remain to one! :p I deserve this!!!
Nsxtasy WILL WIN HANDS DOWN. Ken is funny as hell and will spend a great deal of time coming up with visual gag's. and a big plus is his humour is never cruel.thats a big plus in my book.

who can ever forget the 'viper clown shoes' My vote goes to Ken,
not even a contest!
<B>Gheba</B> : LOL... you voted for yourself!?! Actually I didn't vote straight away... but i voted for nsxtasy too. (Although it was a close call between him and the Forums Nazi... his jokes are rare but monumental. :D)

<B>Mr.Wolf</B> : I bet you voted for your "good friend" the Forums Nazi! ;) rolf...rofl...rofl...

<B>BadCarma</B> : ...and don't forget Ken's infamous moonie smiley. :rolleyes:

NOTE: It is important to note this is not a competition!!! Just a good opportunity for some non-nsx entertainment. :eek:
FuryNSX. That guy is WHACKED! :)

Aww, shucks. You guys make me blush. ;) Heck, I'm moved that I even made the "extra list".

For my vote, how can I not vote for the guy that brings tremendous joy and happiness (;)) with his Photoshop pics? My vote goes for Neo!

I made it to the extra list, too!!!!??? BRING OUT THE RED CARPET, YO!!!

Thanx Neo, you're tremendously generous. It's very often I found myself to have a VERY dry sense of humor. It doesn't help when my gf tells me that all the time ;)

As for the poll, I dunno who to vote, my heart is being torned like 10 ways. All I can say is...

"You good" -Paul Vitti
you're too kind, neo.....i can't believe i've made your SECOND list:rolleyes:

i'm sure those of us in the SECOND list feel just dandy and perfect to have been included in the SECOND list.

truly appreciate your time and efforts to think of putting us in the SECOND list......we really don't care about being in the poll:D

is it because i bought my nsx SECONDhand? well, thanks anyways......:D
Crap, i shouldnt have put myself on the poll... :(

I'm surprised with some of the results so far...
Ken & the forums nazi are neck-and-neck, which i can understand.
However, what surprises me is nobody has polled Lud (who posted the geek test, chick wearing backwards helmet), 8000RPM (the king of stating the obvious), <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> (funny posts are too numerous to mention), NSXaholic (quiet but deadly funny) ...

anyway... let's see how the poll goes after we've all finished voting for ourselves. :D We'll wait and see how MYNSX's results go too after all his women have posted their opinions. ;) ...i wonder what great mysteries will be solved with the conclusions from this poll. :rolleyes:
Don't know whom is the funniest b/c I've seem more than a few posts that are a hoot. I can tell you the clown shoe and the post about doing the search with the "NightRider/Baywatch guy and the short little black guy actor" are classic's IMO.
Neo, I'm flattered. :) :o

Great topic, I can't pick one! You know: on more than one occasion, I've disrupted my coworkers literally LOL (or screaming) after reading MAJOR STONER's posts. Here are a couple of my favorites:

nsxtasy vs. Allen

The imfamous Hasselhoff picture Danger: Do not actually click this link, it's provided for reference purposes only. You have been warned.
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Thank you, thank you!


  • albertenstein.gif
    7.2 KB · Views: 342
NSXTACY deserves to be on the list, but I am quite surprised that Matteni (NicK) didn't make it to the list. His ~~ for dummies series are very funny!! I also think that Andy Vecsey is really witty!
Mr.NeoNSX deliberately kept the list to a minimum. That does not mean those omitted from the list are not funny, nor does it stop any of you from suggesting your own list.

I think Mr.Cojones should be nominated simply for his username. It takes balls to use it. :D
Who voted for me? :confused:

IMO it's a toss-up, but I'd have to give the nod to OJAS for his crazy photoshop creations. ;)