Who's NSXs do these belong too?

One of those was in a calendar. It was the first NSX I had ever seen back around 1999 or so.

Third row, third pic.


I've seen some of his calendars and he frequents the Saturday car meets looking for new cars to take pics of.
He really charges thousands of dollars? Hell, I'll shoot your car for a grand using my medium format gear!

Yep. I'm not sure but I think he said something like his starting fees is $3500.

But there is a crew, overhead (he has a building for the indoor shots), and other legit business expense.
:confused::confused: Am I looking at the same pictures here?? None of the pictures on that link seem special in any way IMO.

And $3500? That seems like a huge rip to me..
Take a look at his other work: http://www.kimballstudios.com

I do agree with Synth.

In general or on the NSX? In general there are some *really* impressive shots there.

It's a definite reality that photography is one of those things where for many people it's "what's the big deal???". Art is subjective.

I'd say that the indicator is if the only thing that ever jumps out at you about a photo is *what* is being photographed - ie: if a pic of a "whatever" shot by a pro on a $7000 Nikon vs an iPhone camera shot by a high school kid comes down to angle in terms of which "looks better" :D
You can charge what you want as long as people are willing to pay whos to say he is charging too much. A digital hass will cost you as much or more then a nsx these days.
I charge $500 and I personally think my shots look far better. $3500 is the cost for a wedding package...

This guy is around the corner from me and charges $$$ thousands for a photoshoot.

His photos are sooo sexy, thanks to the uber expensive Hasselblad medium format digital camera that he uses.

How do you know Ron uses Hassels medium format for these shots? Last time I saw him in his studio around 2006, he was using a few Nikon full frame SLRs and he was shooting RAW files.
He told me and rednsxt was besides me.

So Ron told you that. So it was not from some "special eye to appreciate the pics of a medium format over a SLR....", because in reality, there is NO way that one can tell by just using some "special eye" to tell if the pic was taken by what cameras.
BTW, you did not think that I would believe you if you did not mention rednsxt?:wink:
the dynamic range and smoothness on some of these shots is indicative of good technique and probably good equipment too. is it possible these were done with a film camera?