who'd be up for looking through the 60" telescope at Mt. Wilson?

6 December 2002
Lone Pine, CA USA
Among the telescopes at Mt. Wilson is a 60" diameter telescope
that has been in use for over 100 years, was the largest telescope
in the world at the time of its construction, that made historically
important work possible, and which is today the largest telescope
in the world devoted to public use.

It costs $900 for a party of up to 25 people to use it for half a night.
If enough of us are interested, the price per person becomes a good
value to anyone who appreciates science.

We're lucky to have this in our back yard. I'm testing the waters here
to see who all might be interested at some point (perhaps next summer;
nights are cold up there now).
Myself and a buddy would probably be up to flying in for the day just to have a peek through that glass.

Will subscribe to this thread and see how the schedule ends up working out