In recent days, we have seen a couple of NSXs listed for sale by Mr. X, who did not own the vehicles. As despicable as this is, will the real owners of said NSXs come to harm? I think not, but I'd like some assurance.
Let's say an innocent victim sends in the requested "down payment" and the scammer skips town. Innocent victim is out the money and the scammer burns for eternity. However, the real owner of the NSX still keeps his car because he has not relinquished the title, right?
The reason I ask is this - on the two threads pertaining to these two Ebay bogeys, many people were saying stuff like, "We gotta look out for our fellow NSXers." I take this to mean that we band together to protect the real NSX owner. But this is not necessary because of the title, right?
No flames please, I am sensitive to people that get ripped off, but in the text of this post I am taking the perspective of the NSXer that is not selling their car which is on Ebay as for sale. In other words, if you posted on Ebay that my NSX was for sale, I should have no fear that it would be "taken from me", right?