Who watches Supercars Exposed?

2 April 2004
Savannah, GA
I have been watching super cars exposed and now record all the the episodes. That's fun to watch te only problem is now I want a Ford GT!

I have been watching super cars exposed and now record all the the episodes. That's fun to watch te only problem is now I want a Ford GT!


It's certainly entertaining but I'm surprised how many glaring errors I've seen in that show. Tanner will quote one set of horsepower and then the screen graphics show another... etc.

The other entertaining show that I've been following is 101 cars you must drive. Also full of errors but fun TV nonetheless.
I record them also.Tanner has a great gig,he is not the most personality laden guy around,but they do drive some nifty cars.
yes the "now lets look at the mothers supercar stats" or whatever part is pretty stupid.

but overall the show is one of the best car shows(not including racing) the only thing is.... i should be the host:biggrin:

tanner foust was on loveline last night, talked a little about supercars exposed, drifting, and rally racing
Did you happen to catch the episode about the Nobles? That was NSXPrime's very own "Hoover" from Turbohoses R&D!!! I am still loving my Turbohoses custom 3" exhaust!
What network is showing this program?
It is an entertaining show, always nice to see something other than the "pinks" daily marathons.

Agreed Tanner brings little in the way of a personality to the show. Other than the epic Top gear, there really isnt much of an avenue to catch cars like this on tv. Its always DVR'd here too. 101 cars you must drive has been a let down, after the NSX episode I have to question the validity of what is said.

Test drive on Speed Channel is also a good one to catch when its on.
Test drive on Speed Channel is also a good one to catch when its on.

thats by far the best show coming from the usa, id rate it almost even with top gear, i like the top gear jokes, track/stig, exotic cars, crazy adventures, but i like how test drive is focused on one car and gives it a very indepth review, after seeing the show you could almost imagine youve ridden in the car
I remember the one where they drove an F430 and GT3 around the hills along Mulholland Drive. It seemed to me that they were driving slow and used quick Bruckheimer-esque edits to make the drive seem faster and more exciting that it really was. The writing lacks passion and the overall production is nowhere near Top or Fifth Gear calibre.

Proper shows like Top and Fifth include the viewer in the driving experience (watch any Tiff Needell review), for both simple and fancy cars alike, and with regards to price, making occasional jests for cars that warrant them. This show, and others like it, somehow exclude the viewer, sometimes re-enforcing the unobtainable factor to the masses watching.

And Faust barely has any "presenter" personality. How he was chosen for the US Top Gear is beyond me. That Alonzo Boden guy would've made a better choice. Although he got some of his NSX facts wrong and says, "LOOK..." and "LET'S FACE IT..." too much on that 101 Cars show, the rest of his car banter amused me. The fact that he won that one year of Last Comic Standing says something about him having enough wit to review motoring good and the bad.

I agree that Test Drive is one of the best shows out of America for its in-depth and immersive reviews.
I like test drive and reruns of victory by design,motorweek on speed,and autoline detroit are also good.