who said drifting was not dangerous

I think being stupid is more dangerous than drifting.
Another Darwin award winner........
isn't that idiot and hero is only a hair different... should he not "bowing" to the audience, and somehow forgot the timing, he should be able to get inside the car.....

Given there's audiences and host, it seems to me it's one of those Freestyle showoff, (not unlike those who do Street Bike stunt in US) I'm sure this is not the first time he does that.

He's not the first to do that either, I believed Tsuchiiya Drift King's apprentice, one of the D1 drivers, does that long time ago. He also manage to synchonized drift with other cars at the same time and drifting around couple race queens inches away from her toe. Well, he didn't have any accident at that showoff, and he's a hero...

I personally don't really like the way that he just kept the car bouncing off the rev limiter.
Chris isn't thinking of the same type of thing at xpo,,,is he? :biggrin: What country was that mess in?Reminds me of my first import drag race in 97,I knew I wasn't in the right place when "El Demente" got to the staging lane,his unmufled rotary turning my eardrum into guacamoli, he proceded to catch on fire!lol.
That's great - I love to see that kind of stuff. Some people need to be weeded out of the gene pool. Some a*hole went by me on the Dallas freeway last week going 60 mph STANDING UP ON HIS FRIGGIN' CROTCH ROCKET! It scared the crap out of me when I caught him in my peripheral vision - I thought he was airborne on his way over the handlebars, but he was just showing off.

If that were my camcorder, I'd demand a refund on the basis of picture quality. That video was horrible.
Wow...all I'm thinking about is a spinning drive shaft and a really HOT exhaust.

Oh, and then there's that thing about getting run over too.