Who said chrome was out.. Not I


We are all one and we all have one....except mine is bigger than any of yours.

Steve - you posted your blong-blong wheel pictures, right? People don't like them and you get your panties in a wad. Don't like it…..nuzzle against your mommie’s left boob for some compassion, 'cuz you ain't getting it from here.

Oh, BTW, you wheels do look like shit.

Throw the largest flame-turd at me that you can, nothing offends me.....except if you call names against towards my Grey Goose bud.
lowdwnsteve, you gotta be ready for the Chrome Police to come out in full force with a post like this. I don't think your wheels look bad either. Not half as bad as some of the black, silver, polished, 8 spoke, three prong, whatever wheels you see on this forum sometimes. So as bad as they think your wheels are, you should see what's on theirs. :tongue: Sometimes you just gotta take the high road and laugh to yourself...
What's on tap...?

hmmm... Man, I miss all the fun!?! Anyways, cheers!!!


~My 2 pence~

i.> Don't open a thread w/ a dissent-forming statement, as pointed out by whiteNSXs. {To all that think that chrome looks old and outdated....}

ii.> Take criticism as well as you take praise. Both go hand-in-hand.

iii.> A BBK and/or slotted/drilled, larger rotors would go a long ways towards making the NSX look palatable w/ the chosen wheels. Also, lowering springs.

iv.> Use of profanities is a BIG-BIG no-no.
Re: Dicks

AndyVecsey said:
Throw the largest flame-turd at me that you can, nothing offends me.....except if you call names against towards my Grey Goose bud.

What AndyV says just change the Grey Goose to a Margarita............

lowdwnsteve said:
Each to his own ..LOL
BTW, the car never burned out with the stock rims either, that's why I never mentioned the wheel/tire combo. :cool:

I think my neighbor has those rims on his Escalade :wink:
""Like I was just reading a few minutes ago in another post...
"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"""

BTW, I never never agree with such statement. I can see why this statement applies in funerals, weddings, Mr. Roger's school of sensitivity, and mama teaching little boy/girl not to bite their tongues, but for Christ's sake, this is a discussion forum in which all valid comments fly regardless nice or not nice. You throw a torch, be prepared to get flamed.

Edited out a yummy statement. :biggrin:
Last edited:
Chrome wheels are nice, nothing wrong with that.

IMHO, there are many styles that would look great on NSX. HRE, CCW, etc. Anytime's wheels are one good example of nice looking chrome wheels. Even the OEM 7 spoke wheels look nice in chrome.

However there are certain style that is better suited for SUVs.
This post leads me to believe there must be an NSX out there with spinners.

NSX redline: 8000 rpm
Soichiro Honda's current gravespeed: 9000 rpm
He's not trying to go fast, he's trying to "impress" people. You can see the large auto shifter right there in the picture.
He's got the DVD player.

He's a player. In the UK, I think they call it poser though.
Soo much LOVE.. LOL
It's funny how Some people are the same. I'd expect a little more mature attitude and comments from members of a site that even have the opportunity to own own of "OUR" cars.. It feels like back in the day at camaroz28.com where everyone has something negative to say and every thread you post is another opportunity for someone to open their "high-school", no-it-all remarks...

First off, I never posted to start a Flame- I was just simply showing off my car-- thats essentially what it's all about-- ISN'T IT...
I do think that this is hilarious though-- as I was workin on the NSX last night, my thread is just flaming with posts-- Am I the only one that would rather let things go, get off the computer and actually Do something other than adding to this thread?
I'm out...But one more thing: THANKS to the members that gave the thumbs up on my car--THAT'S ALL I was looking for-- and to all the fellow members with uhhh.. what was the term that was used?? Ohh yeah, I think it was "BLONG BLONG'S"- LOL Lets all keep rollin "Ghetto Fabulous with our Blingy bling BLONG BLONGS", through our trailer parks.. I LOVE CHROME. and If I could afford an escalade, I WOULD put the same Rims on that too... hahaha LOL
I think the chrome was fine, and the wheel selection was fine, too. I don't like chrome personally, but not because I don't think it looks good, but simply because it's too flashy for my taste.

Looks fine to me.
to each their own, If i was not able to ride mine on chrome, I would not have bought it.
if it bothers you what the next man thnks, dont ask the question.
Lowdn:what you needed to say in your orignal post was,please don't touch the keyboard if you have any negative comments or jokes,then you would have a post that meets your (unreasonable) expectations and would contain 3 posts total :tongue: Looky When I first posted on prime and folks got a wiff of the Bee, I got some real honest and humorous reactions,but I toughed it out and see I'm still here,so please laugh a little with us and at your self because as you have learned those style of wheel and size of said wheels is off the scales,literaly,weight wise as well. :wink:
lowdwnsteve said:
It feels like back in the day at camaroz28.com where everyone has something negative to say and every thread you post is another opportunity for someone to open their "high-school", no-it-all remarks...

I prefer to think of myself as a know-it-all, thank you. My ex-girlfriend became a no-at-all when I would ask for sex, and the government becaome a yes-it-all when collecting my taxes, but I don't recall ever meeting a no-it-all.
Juice said:
I prefer to think of myself as a know-it-all, thank you. My ex-girlfriend became a no-at-all when I would ask for sex, and the government becaome a yes-it-all when collecting my taxes, but I don't recall ever meeting a no-it-all.

Correct-- Know-it-all-- good comeback :cool:

AND HEY- I'm over it and never really was that offended-- my bad for the Title on my thread- I realize each to his own-- I like my "Blong-Blongs".. and DAMN that term is NEVER going to get old.. Blong Blong's... LMFAO
Well, it could be worse lowdwnsteve, your Blong Blong's could be chrome Konig's ??? People here give there opinions good, bad, and brutaly honest.

I could deal with the rims, but an Auto??? An Auto in an NSX??????? :eek: (Only if you have knee or leg issues.)

ehh, depends on the car and wheel... chroms isn't a set YES or NO in my opinion.

I think a black NSX has some chrome possibilities, I just am not a fan of the wheels you've picked. Im not a wheel pro, but aren't those kind of narrow? my friend's civic's wheels are 7" all around, 7.5 and8.5 seem narrow. eh i dunno.

I just don't like how open the spokes leave your tiny breaks. Bigger breaks would make it look a little sweeter, IMO 5 spoke wheels are tough to pull off on the NSX, I just don't feel it. Some awesome 5spoke deigns out there, but it isnt a given by any means. Some people may also resent the fact this "performance exotic" is auto, with DVD player and huge heavy chromes... not exactly performance oriented as the car was meant to be driven... but thats another convo... I sort of ask the question "what's the point of buying an NSX if you're not using it for what it was meant for?"

Ehh, it's your car! As long as you enjoy it, screw everyone else's opinion! including mine :p
u00mem91 said:
This post leads me to believe there must be an NSX out there with spinners.

NSX redline: 8000 rpm
Soichiro Honda's current gravespeed: 9000 rpm

That made me rofl