Who is this at Road America?

11 February 2000
Half Moon Bay, CA, USA
I asked this in another forum (pics/vids) but didn't get any response. Does anyone know who this is? I think it is a recent video.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Axp_g049Cxw&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Axp_g049Cxw&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
I don't know who it is, but I know that it's not recent. It's from at least a year ago. At least that's when I saw it first.
That is the end of the video of the destruction of the 'sister' car to my old 1993 Sebring Silver NSX.

The incident happened in 2002 or 2003, IIRC.

The driver is from the Chicago area, but I don't know his name.

The previous owner of my 1993, Kenric (Ag NSX), would know, but I don't know if he frequents Prime these days. He might have a new user name. He sent me a longer version of the video, but I have never posted it.

There were three Sebring Silver NSXs owned by three friends in the Chicago area. Of the three, two were destroyed at Road America in Turn 8. My incident occurred in 2005. I did not go off track on the track out, but otherwise the incidents were eerily similar.
good teaching tool of carrying too much speed into a corner(for a novice) and turning in early(running out of track on exit),hand position was sloppy as well.I would have faulted the instructer for not being in control.We try to teach students to drive off track if they get that far off course rather than try to jerk the car back onto the track.
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I *think* that he was saying "throttle, throttle" trying to get him to throttle steer through there.

Some stuff was certainly sloppy, but the weird stuff that happens when you get a wheel or two off is amazing. Sometimes its the interface between the track and the grass that does inexplicable things.

He'd have been fine had he have put two wheels off, kept it straight and throttled down to a slow halt. He had all the run off he needed to save that.
Oh yeah, one guy who used to be on PRIME found the only wall on an otherwise harmless racetrack in his Supra Turbo because his instructor was pushing him to throttle steer, too.

Some instructors just shouldnt be instructors.
Oh yeah, one guy who used to be on PRIME found the only wall on an otherwise harmless racetrack in his Supra Turbo because his instructor was pushing him to throttle steer, too.

Some instructors just shouldnt be instructors.

The problem is that some of the instructors lose their cool and let adrenaline take control.
I hate that turn in Forza Motorsports 2. I always end up fishtailing out of that corner.

Then again, it might be that i put too much throttle in a Civic that has 700+ Hp.
good teaching tool of carrying too much speed into a corner(for a novice) and turning in early(running out of track on exit),hand position was sloppy as well.I would have faulted the instructer for not being in control.We try to teach students to drive off track if they get that far off course rather than try to jerk the car back onto the track.
He didn't really turn in too early. His turn-in and mi-corner speed was fine, but needed to be patient (and not listen to the instructer saying "throttle, throttle") and wait a little longer before applying power.

His turn-in (which was fine) + mid corner speed (which was fine) + on throttle poing (which was too early/aggressive, causing understeer) = run out of room on the exit. But, with a slower entry, he could have kept his on-throttle point (which isn't necessarily the right answer), but all 3 of those components 2 good and 1 bad = run out of room on the exit.

He also didn't have quick enough hands/correct enough once he was sliding. He was slow to correct and the car finally changed direction when he was in the grass track left, which was too late and was already on a trajectory toward the wall.

+1 on the drive straight off rather than trying to immediately jerk the car back onto the track.

Yes, its a 91 NSX, one of the 'sister' Sebring NSXs stored in the Northern burbs of Chicago. I have the last one still alive. The guys name that owned it was Andy.I actually rode in that car a few times. Everyone is telling me NOT to go to that track. It was kind of weird that BRAHT8 had the same incident in the same turn with one of the 3 NSX.

Stiil no idea who it is though?