Who is going to NSXPO?

17 May 2004
London Ontario

Just wondering who will be going to NSXPO this September? www.nsxpo.com I'm asking because we need to have elections for the NSX Club of Canada and want to do it there, and besides it will be an amazing party!

Becky and I are registered!
Was hoping to have my 02+ Sorcery Widebody and Turbo kit done in time but it looks very doubtful now... Either way il be attending!
Unfortunately not me, I have meetings in Chicago for that entire period. I guess XPO 10 is my next event.
hmmmm i plan to be there but not sure who my guest will be...
the registration ask for a guest name....how do i fill out the registration form? and can we go to the track just to watch and take pictures?:tongue:
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Just wondering who will be going to NSXPO this September? www.nsxpo.com I'm asking because we need to have elections for the NSX Club of Canada and want to do it there, and besides it will be an amazing party!

Becky and I are registered!

Hey Sean and Becky, Ummm, cannot assist you with that voting process. See you there!

Was hoping to have my 02+ Sorcery Widebody and Turbo kit done in time but it looks very doubtful now... Either way il be attending!

Like to see that! "Get 'er DONE!"

Im registered. CLARE is coming too.

Dave, the "Mystery Lady"? Really? She has met Stu? :biggrin:
I'm there and I will definately volunteer to drive one of Alum4Org's NSX's...hehe ;) Just kidding.

It will be weird to be there with no NSX...
Hey Sean and Becky, Ummm, cannot assist you with that voting process. See you there!

You're practically an honourary member! We just need to fill out the paper work! :)
I'll definitely be there and bringing my son. Let's just say that my wife isn't a big fan of the NSX ;)

All you local guys better show up! You can't possibly miss an event like this when it's in your own backyard!
Hey Sean,

Did I read somewhere that we can renew our NSXCC membership on the NSXPO registration page(s)? 'cuz when I type in my name and postal code, I get rejected and told to contact Larry. I did this, but thought you might have more info.
Hey Sean,

Did I read somewhere that we can renew our NSXCC membership on the NSXPO registration page(s)? 'cuz when I type in my name and postal code, I get rejected and told to contact Larry. I did this, but thought you might have more info.

The name and postal code page is to search the database of EXISTING members. We couldnt have two options for signing up for NSXCC and since we thought that most of the people who would join now would be new members, we went with that.

Please note, if you were a member previously, it is less expensive to renew. To RENEW, you need to get Stu your renewal fee ASAP because the early bird pricing ends in just a few weeks.

I would not delay on this!
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I'm trying to get a few days off work to join in as well... I still have to sign up + renewal.
To renew your membership in the NSXCC, send your cheque to:

NSX Club of Canada
PO BOX #35537
2528 Bayview Ave.
North York, On
M2L 2Y4

Renewals - $75.00 (this includes your membership dues to attend NSXPO in 09) Please include a membership application with any changes to your contact information, otherwise just the cheque is fine.

New Members - $100.00 & application form See - NSX Club of Canada http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=120222 (includes your membership dues for NSXPO & the NSX Book & club sticker).

PS. Registration fees for NSXPO are not included. Membership in NSXCC means you will not have to join NSXCA to register for NSXPO.
I'm there dammit!!!!
I haven't had a chance to read the specifics but are non owners allowed to come spectate and take some pics? I would really love to see Lovefab in action.
People who register for the event are able to come and take it all in!

To register, first you need to be a paid up member of either the NSX Club of Canada or America.

Then you go to the web page, and register (and pay the fee)!

You dont need to be an owner to be involved, but you do need to do those things.

If you just want to come by and say hello, take pics, etc, you're welcome to - I would arrange it with an owner first so that you have an easier time getting close to the cars. We will have security.
I really want to go, but I don't have an NSX. Another issue is I have family in Toronto (Where the RL A-Spec is located, so I probably can't get that either) and if I go to Toronto it might cause rifts if I do not go to see them.

I was wondering though, is it worth going for the Thursday - Sunday portion for a non-NSX owner? (Not to mention the fees to be part of the NSX Club of Canada and all that)
I'll be there! Probably have my son (Age 7) with me most of the time - anyone who pays can come to the event - even the track event - if you don't want to take your car on the track you are welcome to come and spectate!

I'm sure for non-nsx owners, if you email Dave (BioBanker) or Sean or I in advance we can see who's coming solo and get you a seat for the driving events - Please email us WAY closer to the date since people who are likely to change the fact they are coming with a guest will probably register a bit later - but you should register now since we'll find seats for people in the order they register in.
I really want to go, but I don't have an NSX. Another issue is I have family in Toronto (Where the RL A-Spec is located, so I probably can't get that either) and if I go to Toronto it might cause rifts if I do not go to see them.

I was wondering though, is it worth going for the Thursday - Sunday portion for a non-NSX owner? (Not to mention the fees to be part of the NSX Club of Canada and all that)

It's a great event regardless of the NSXs, but if you love NSXs you'll have a total blast! You should come! I don't own an NSX, and I'm helping organize the event. Trust me you will have a great time!