Who in Toronto wants an AEM tuner?

I'm still in -- in spite of that craptastic last week on the market. Man, I need to get out of tech and into bio -- whaddya say dave? :)

Anyhow, I need the whole package, so we should try and negotiate a deal on the AEM unit, injectors, etc. in addition to the actual tuning. I need to ping Devin again. He mentioned that he would find me a competent tuner in Toronto, but hasn't gotten back to me yet.
Ive been speaking with Devin also and he still has not found a guy.

He said that he *may* come up himself. Ive also been speaking with Mike at Autowave and he said that he too will work with us; he is very expensive tho.

THis is gonna get costly! Im probably going to go banannas. The new blower seems to have some issues with it that will force me into an AEM right off the bat, which means high boost for me as the only difference in parts becomes the pulley. I got the full low down on what has happened with the new blower. Could be tricky for me as I have to time install with tuning and then have to consider my emissions testing this summer.

To hell with caution - full steam ahead!

Arshad - bio is not where it is these days - my plays are mostly uranium. With the energy costs soaring, ppl will look for more and more nuclear power and there simply is not enough uranium to make the stations reqd. That is because uranium prices have been too low and development hasnt progressed. Uranium prices are much less volatile than crude and there are so few uranium players that if you play the sector, you have limited choices. I see more and more ppl playing the sector in the future. But what do I know, Im a biotech analyst :D
Getting Devin to do it would be awesome :D

I was just joking around about the bio -- you mentioned that was your specialty ;) I'm going to stick with tech since I know it best, although over the past 2 weeks I've made a couple of extremely costly mistakes. Blah.
Got word tonight that Devin is seriously considering coming up for us. That would be incredible if he could!

Im ordering my base kit tomorrow, but if he is coming, I am going to bring up the EMS also and the necessary parts to go high boost (fuel pump, injectors, FMU?, pulley)....

I will need to get the stuff installed and then ideally, Im going to try to cram my emmissions test, which I think I have to get done this summer, before he comes up. My test is probably due by June, but I will call and see if I get it done in advance if that will suffice. Id rather not be switching computers, pulling out injectors and nursing my boosted car to and from the station without a tune all the while PRAYING that I pass....
That would be awesome! Would we need to arrange for renting out a dyno for him to work on?

You can definitely get your emissions done early... I think they are valid for 1 month or 3 months or something like that. If he does come up, what month is he looking at?
I dont know Arshad, but I have to assume that it would be April or May because March is too hit and miss with having cars out on the road.

May/June probably the best choices for me!

I heard second hand tho, so Im going to try to not get carried away till I hear from him personally.
Sounds good. If he's in town on his own, then obviously we can try and work around his schedule, but if we're flying him up then I'd prefer May/June as well.
Hasn't Paul at neetronics done AEM tuning? I know Ray at Gilman has had one for awhile on his own car, and I don't know if Yoshio has messed around with them yet.