Who has experience polishing glass?


Legendary Member
Tech Expert
1 August 2008
City of Angels
I have a pair of headlights (pre 02) that has a bit of road rash, pits, and scratches. I've read and researched a few glass polishes available out there. They ranges from simple hand polishes, which are probably useless for pits, to more heavy duty polishers and abrasives using sand paper and polish wheels.

Was wondering if anyone has had experience with glass polishers and what method they recommend? Or even better, someone cheap I can farm out the work to.
Using cerium oxide is the way to go.
Lightly sand if it is for glass light lenses, (this is not about glass windscreens) then make the paste with cerium oxide and water.
But I prefer to polish by hand or by a slow (!) speed wheel. It will take longer, but this will not produce excessive heat and there is less chance the job goes wrong.
There are special polishing pads to be found to polish glass.
The stuff is also used in astronomy clubs who use the stuff to polish their own lenses for making rudimentary telescopes.
For filling small pits oneself you can consider using a drop of UV glue (like 2 hydroxyethylmetacrylates for the chemical enthusiasts :eek:)
and then harden with a UV lamp.