Who has "balls" to do this?

6 December 2002
Greenbrier, TN

No affiliation here.

Couldn't find this topic via search so pardon me if I missed it.
I ran across these on Dali's site (Buggy Balls under Toys link)and thought they were just hilarious. I wouldn't personally, just thought this might get a chuckle. Interesting to read the stories link. Have fun!!
Hilarious pictures on the site.

Originally posted by KellyJoe:
...No affiliation here...

Ummm, sure. Whatever you say KellyJoe.

Originally posted by KellyJoe:
Interesting to read the stories link. Have fun!!

They really are hilarious. Especially like this one:


I recently purchased a set of nuts for my brother-in-law who installed them on his truck. We live in a predominantly Mormon town, and he has since been asked by a police officer to remove his nuts, stating that they were obscene. We do not intend to remove the nuts, and were wondering if your company has looked into what sort of legal rights your customers have to display their nuts. Many people in our town have expressed a desire to obtain their own nuts, leading me to believe that if we are to pursue this, we may be able to acquire considerable business for your company. Any information, or assistance (discounted nuts?) that you could provide would be greatly appreciated, as we attempt to maintain our freedom to display our nuts! Thank you very much............
