Who drove their NSX the LEAST in 2014?

14 June 2010
Toronto, Canada
206 miles on the trip odometer this year when I put it in storage today. 60 of those were going to storage. Probably the same number when I brought it home in the spring. That doesn't leave a lot of other driving. Who did less?

If your answer is 0-miles it doesn't count.... since you didn't drive it :tongue:
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Mine is a DD and I spent less than 5k, including a roundtrip from LA to Vegas.


OP is clearly a troll.

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Is this bragging or complaining? What did you get it for, if not to drive and enjoy it?
I doubt is bragging it more like they think its gonna be a big payout one day, which it may be but your missing the point of owning it, people that daily drive their NSX knows what I am talking about.

Your part of the car you know when a bolt is loose and you feel one with the Vtec I know I cant be the only one that feels liket this being part of the car and part of the road can feel every corner, bump etc.

putting 3 miles on your NSX a year only tells others you are not a car guy
This is a sad story. I think I put at least 7000 kms on it this year. It was great. Trip to the mountains, various car shows, a spirited poker rally with a viper,gtrs,corvettes,ferraris. I never understood why buy a vehicle if you do not drive it. I have a feeling this thread will have more people chiming in that drove their cars rather than not.
I've only owned my NSX for 2 months, so I don't really qualify to post, but let me chime in anyway :smile:

Mine is not a DD and spends most of the week in the garage, but there are days when I simply HAVE TO drive it. I just crave the rumble of the engine, the connection to the road, the whiplash acceleration, plus I also enjoy the occasional "Nice car" comment from other motorists :wink:

If I continue at my current pace, I'll put about 3,000 miles a year on it. But we'll see where I'm at this time next year.
Is this bragging or complaining? What did you get it for, if not to drive and enjoy it?

Bragging obviously. I got it so I could brag to everyone I know. Why do you think I post about it so much on this site?

I guess misery loves company.

I'm the most miserable person I know.

I doubt is bragging it more like they think its gonna be a big payout one day, which it may be but your missing the point of owning it, people that daily drive their NSX knows what I am talking about.

putting 3 miles on your NSX a year only tells others you are not a car guy

This guy gets it. One day this car will make me a millionaire. And I can then go and spend that million on wine, watches and wallets because I'm in no way a car guy.
Bragging obviously. I got it so I could brag to everyone I know. Why do you think I post about it so much on this site?

I'm the most miserable person I know.

This guy gets it. One day this car will make me a millionaire. And I can then go and spend that million on wine, watches and wallets because I'm in no way a car guy.

You're probably the guy with a "hot wife", that doesn't have sex with her, so as to save her for her next husband!!!
LOL, okay this has gone far enough!

Truth be told life and maintenance got in the way this summer and I didn't get to spend enough time with the NSX as I would have wanted. No track days, no autox events, but I did get a good detailing done and got it out for some nice photos one night, as well as installing a few upgrades to keep it fresh. Next year will be different!

So back on topic now.... who is more miserable, poor, sexless and not a car guy than me? :D
I am not picking on any one specific poster here, but I do want to make some comments. Why do so many people have to make the comment, "why own it if you don't drive it"? Everyone has a reason why they do what they do. Why the need to criticize that reason? I have a variety of collectible cars and bikes, and because I'm predominately lazy as I get older, I just don't spend much time with my toys, plus I have a variety of other obligations that consume what free time I do have. I am extremely picky about the appearance of my collectibles, so many times I'll choose a different toy for a occasion simply because I don't want to spend excessive time detailing after a event. Some of my toys see less than 100 miles a year. I think the NSX got maybe 300 miles over the last summer. So what. I paid for it, I'll do what makes me happy with it! I do get a huge smile on my face whenever I get the toys out to play. I like the idea that after 10 years of ownership it still feels like a new toy every time I get it out. For the folks that want to do thousands of miles per month, enjoy it if that's what you like doing. For those who want to cover it with a diaper and only look at it, more power to you. If you only have 1 enthusiast automobile, you probably will do a lot more miles than what mine sees. For those that have many toys, the mileage will vary. Not a bad thing? Some like their toys to be in immaculate condition, some like the wear and tear to prove they exercise the equipment. There is no wrong or right way to enjoy!
If you feel bad that your clean red NSX is not getting driven, I'm here to buy it. I plan to drive the one I get 5-7k miles per year. -george (future NSX owner)
guys driving 300 a year -600 a year doesnt feel the same as a DD

a buddy of mine got a 2005 with 2600 miles on it, its over 10,000 miles now he has had it 4 months he gets why to own one

never bang the hot wife comment is awesome and has been on here alot but its true, the next guy has a great tight place to store his tools for his NSX.

like others have said you purchased it and can let it rot away like a trophy on a shelf over the mantle its your right, but you cant take it with you, and 100% fact when your 6 feet under your next of KIN will sell it to the first person to offer cash for it. Then we are at the " saving it for the next guy " comment again, and he is gonna tear it up like it going out of style and the car is gonna love every minute of it.
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My toys are only taken out to go to car events or to visit friends. That driving for me is about 3k miles a year. So for the NSX that equated to something around 500ish miles. In the NE the season is shortened due to over salting of my local roads. I just got 2" of snow last week which brought out the salt trucks. Even at 500 miles this year I drove it just as much as I wanted to. I could have driven it more, but didn't.

I have no desire to daily drive my NSX. I get very little joy out of running errands during the week in it. I have done it before and it is not pleasurable to me. I would much rather get in an automatic DD to get my shopping done. Also, driving in daily commuter traffic in the NSX has zero appeal. What is fun about sitting in bumper to bumper traffic in a low sports car? Someone please explain this to me because I have tried it many times and not once was I glad I drove a "fun" car versus my SUV.

When I was younger I thought driving a sports car everywhere was cool, not so much anymore. Automatic DD's are the way to go when you are in the most densely populated state in the union.
I was just trying to be funny sorry buddy. I don't drive mine as much as it should be either and that's the one reason I am contemplating selling it. Wife and kid now, busy business and life etc. Not a lot of time for cruising and it's not set up for a daily (will never feel right about exposing it to the elements, door dings etc. )
The only reason I am hanging into it is in hopes of passing it on to my now 11 month old daughter in the future.
Don't get me wrong, your car, do with it what you please, drive it, look at it, polish it, stroke it, whatever. I just don't get the point of bragging about not driving it. I enjoy driving the NSX, when it's nice out, during the April-Nov "season". I don't daily drive it during the season, for many of the reasons that Aaron detailed. That being said, when the weekend rolls around, or a nice summer evening, I love taking one of the toys out, with the wife, to go for a drive. It puts a smile on my face, and that's why I have them. To drive and enjoy for as long as I'm able to lower and raise my body in and out of the driver's seat. I love looking at them, but would prefer to drive them..............that's me.
I am not happy about not using the car... Just has become a process after SANDY with the car not being at my house. Next year I plan on getting to use it more.
840 miles since I got the car in August. Regret not driving it more but free time has been scarce and I prefer not to commute in it.