White Population Dwindling as Calif. Grows

27 November 2002

I thought this might be interesting reading but its obviously offensive to some so mods please delete
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LOL at this article... so what is the OP's take on this?

I fail to see the correlation between "quality of life, traffic, crowds, edgy and cranky people." and its relation to minority majority. These are issues with urbanism and not immigration. Were these issues not prevalent post-new immigrants?

Unless someone is native to their own territory, everyone else is an immigrant; regardless of race.
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I take it that NSX Pilot is an old east coast biased white guy!

Found the article and thought it was an interesting read too. Thanks Acura NsX Pilot.


LOS ANGELES (June 8) -- Five years ago Sam Greengard, born and raised here amid the sprawl of the nation's second-largest metropolitan area, decided to join a counterwave to the flow of new arrivals in a city increasingly defined by immigration.

He moved out.

"I have never regretted it a single day," said Greengard, a freelance writer who moved his family to West Linn, a suburb of Portland, Ore. "The quality of life, for me, it just wasn't there, You couldn't go anywhere without hitting traffic. Everything was crowded. People were edgy and cranky. I just didn't want to be in that kind of environment."

Greengard has plenty of company. A new report by the California Department of Finance says that even as the state's total population increased slightly, the number of white Californians -- like Greengard -- dropped in 2008, continuing a trend that could soon make Hispanics the largest ethnic population group in the state.

The report found that California had a net loss of 105,000 white residents in 2008 through a combination of more deaths than births, and more people leaving the state than moving in. Since 2000, the white population has declined by 518,000, a trend that peaked in the prerecession years of 2006-2007, when real estate prices also peaked and drove working and middle-class families elsewhere in search of homes, said Mary Heim, chief of the finance department's Demographic Research Unit.

But with the recession, migration in general has slowed considerably in the past two years. "Right now, since the bad economy everywhere, people just can't afford to move," Heim said.

According to the report, which includes estimates regardless of legal status, whites accounted for just under 41 percent of California's overall population in 2008, down from 47 percent in 2000. Hispanics accounted for just over 37 percent, up from 33 percent in 2000. Asians grew from 11 percent to 12.4 percent, while African-Americans slipped slightly from 6.5 percent to 5.9 percent, though in total numbers that population increased slightly.

California Population by Ethnic Group
Source: California Department of Finance

Net migration -- those leaving compared with those arriving -- was topped by Hispanics, with an average of 145,000 new residents a year, and Asians, with 87,000 a year. Net migration by whites was a negative -- an average drop of 54,000 per year. And many of the new Hispanic and Asian residents have come in from other countries, continuing California's status as a key destination for immigrants despite the state's high unemployment rate and, even after the real estate crash, high housing costs.

The changes here reflect a nationwide trend toward "minority majority" status for states. While whites remain the majority nationally, they have slid to minority status in California, Texas, New Mexico and Hawaii, as well as the District of Columbia.

How that might change in the coming years is uncertain, demographers say. The U.S. Census Bureau had predicted whites would slip below 50 percent of the national population by 2042, but the global recession has stalled demographic shifts, suggesting that whites will remain above 50 percent of the U.S. population until at least 2050.

While Greengard, the recent Oregon immigrant, says he doesn't regret leaving Los Angeles and California behind, he does miss the diversity.

"There's a lot of culture and arts and restaurants here, too, but it's not quite the same," Greengard said. But then, in the Portland area he can at least get to where he wants to go, compared with his old social life in Los Angeles.

"It was such a hassle getting to things," he said, "I found myself not wanting to go anywhere. If you want to go to something, you had to deal with so much traffic and crowds, it wasn't worth it."
Filed under: Nation, Politics
This article is lame (nothing against OP). This guy being quoted is confusing hating life in a crowded city and trying to negatively correlate that to growing ethnic diversity. From the way it sounds, he would hate California even if it was 100% White.
This article is lame (nothing against OP). This guy being quoted is confusing hating life in a crowded city and trying to negatively correlate that to growing ethnic diversity. From the way it sounds, he would hate California even if it was 100% White.

No. The article simply states that the white population is decreasing and uses Sam, and his reasons, as an example. In fact, Sam states that he misses the diversity - the culture, arts, and restaurants - that California has to offer.

I think this article is carefully written so as to NOT offend, and it does not draw any correlation between the increasing minority population and white people leaving. That's why Sam is used as an example and the article specifically states the reason why he chose to leave: overcrowding and traffic, not racial diversity.
I agree with mike, the article does not seem to be offensive in any manner. They are just using stats to show the increase of minoritys and a decrease in the majority....and if anyone has lived in LA all their life, they know that it has changed with all the immigration of people here. I agree with Sam that it is a pain in the ass to go anywhere in LA/OC/SFV/SGV. After being in Minnesota and other states (Vegas), you really appreciate the openess and non congestion that they have to offer.

I love cali but I do hate the traffic.
Mike and Ed - you guys are assuming i'm offended by the article - i'm not. I think it's a lame article because it makes a point about something (e.g. overly dense living conditions) by using an example (i.e. some dude's quote). The author uses facts and figures about the shift in demographics in CA yet uses an example to support his case about a white guy moving. Seriously? you guys don't see that? Maybe i'm trippin. Its just some author trying to make some back ended point about diversity in CA and the shifts between demographics.

Anyway, back to cars shall we?
Well I read the part that says he loves the cultural diversity but hates the congestion. But the title is eh maybe not the best title?

Well back to cars! Wheres that 512 big block in that chevy?

- 1 california asian. Living in Asia is way better than Cali.

1) there is no car traffic in hong kong when you ride the subway. just a bunch of hot girl traffic bunched up in a small little train.

2) i have met more people from different countries in Hong Kong than I did in my 34 years in LA and we all get along.

3) i just need to come up with $70K USD for a parking space and move my NSX to Hong Kong
I didn't find the article offensive at all. In fact, I think they are correct. For people that have lived in California for over 30 years the change is obvious. That being said, that isn't necessarily a bad thing either. Many of those families that moved out of state made a ton of money selling their home in California only to buy a bigger and cheaper house in another state.

The traffic does suck and the cost of living can be high, but the one thing I like about ethnic diversity in Southern California is lunch is never boring or repetitive.
Are we talking about IMPORT or DOMESTIC cars?
Why are we comparing 3.0L Acura to 5.7L Chevy?
We're all immigrate HERE!


my .02 cent :biggrin:

No hate:eek::cool:
When I saw the thread title, I was thinking to myself, this can't be what I think it is going to be about.

I thought it was going to be about all the white NSX owners in California moving or selling their cars...LOL

My first thoughts were right.
Personally I believe that the article is poorly written at best or at it's worst, I think it is a cloaked attempt at presenting a bias view of demographics. I see this same scenario more often than I would like. Someone will write an article and infuse it with some credible facts and then try and twist it to their point of view.

The article is suggesting that there is a white flight from California. Further by inclusion it is implied that the driving force is an influx of Hispanics and Asians.

However, when you read the details you see that the birth rate of whites is low and that contribution to those who are leaving nets you a positive outgo. So I would want to see more information as to birth rate etcetera. Having said that, I have to wonder what the purpose of the article is. To tell us that the demographics is shifting is nothing new. Articles have been dealing with this for the past two decades. When you then add the story of one particular person's exit then I get the feeling that the author is trying to correlate the rising minority with the white flight. What makes the article even more ridiculous is that the individual who left, states that he misses the diversity. Well go figure. Perhaps then the reason for his flight has nothing to do with immigration and more to do with poorly designed cities and roads.

In addition moving to Portland versus Arizona, Utah, and/or Idaho also does not fit with the traditional concept of white flight. Portland is predominantly Democratic leaning and is very progressive and environmentally sensitive. I have considered moving there at some time in the future, or purchasing a vacation home there. Portland is all about not needing a car in town. Everything is in walking distance or via electric tram. It is a beautiful city and a great climate when not raining.

So in the end, I would like to ask the person who posted this article why they think it is worthy of posting and reading. I personally find articles like this one as veiled attempts at hiding a racist agenda.

Just my 2 cents,
I dont see how anyone is getting offened. Was this not common knowledge?? I dont even have to watch the news or read paper to know this, this post just had an article that stated the obvious. Its not like it says the guy hates mexicans or anything. Maybe he is slightly racial, who knows but who cares. He not baggn on the nsx so i dont care. I know the white pop has droped but i dont care. As long as they like import cars we are cool ;)