White Gauge Faces

24 April 2005
Personally, I prefer stock to the white gauge faces, but the NSX that I own has already had the White gauge faces put in and the steedometer face was popping up and interferring with the needle and causing it to stick. The gauge faces that I have are overlays that were glued onto the stock gauges. In re-attaching the steedometer face, the wiring for the "glow" lighting was damaged and now I need a replacement gauge face for my speedometer. I've been unable to find the "brand" of the faces that I currently have and have had little success in searching for them online, or any NSX white gauge faces in general. I'm hoping you can help me find the same ones that I have or a completely new set to replace my existing ones with. Unfortunately, due to the overuse of glue, removing these and letting the stock faces show is not an option. Thanks.
Have you tried hot water on the glue..We had the white 8-way glo gauges in mine and after carefully taking them off, the glue was still stuck on the oem gauges. Some hot to warm water and persistence did the trick.
The glue that was used is super glue and it appears anything short of finger nail polish remover will not be able to get it off. And I'm afraid that would damage the gauge beneath it, I may try that as a last resort. Thanks.
Do not use the nail polish remover. The gauges are very sensitive to chemicals. We tested it on a bad gauge and took the coloring off.
I took a working set of white gauge faces (overlays) off of my car. Post a pic of yours, perhaps they are the same. I'd let them go for cheap.