Which way does the OEM-CPU go in.


Legendary Member
12 February 2002
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Two weeks ago I had the Dali-chip installed in my car.
Now I want to do some dyno-runs with the OEM-chip but am not sure which way to put it in. And I certainly don't want to blow the entire box.
Here is a picture of the CPU I have. If I am looking at the CPU-box from the passenger-seat, is the left side on the picture also the left side how I should fit in it. Or is it the other way around ?


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This is not a CPU (Central Processing Unit....doh), but en Eprom.
(like ram, but then programmed to keep it's data, and hold it forever. In this case the data can be removed again, by applying UV-light to the top of the IC, when the little seal is removed. Thats why you should keep these things always in the dark).
The little cut-out on the right side on the housing on the IC, helps you to locate pin 1, which is in this case on the top right corner.

For reference you could check how the DALI IC is installed, and keep that for reference. If i remember correctly, i took the little ZIF-handle as pin 1 reference point, since there where no clear markings on the socket.

Just make sure you don't bend any pins, and the Eprom is not hanging out on one side.

If you don't feel confident, drive by my premesis, and i give you a hand.

Hi Mich,

Thanks for the quick reply.
So, what you are saying is that I pin 1 is on the lower left side of the ZIF-socket which means I should have the little cut-out on the left side when the chip is installed ??

Please correct if I'm wrong.

BTW, the whole exercise is for the Dynojet-run with the Taitec-exhaust coming Saturday-morning July 19th.
Feel like joining me ??
Hi, just so happens I have a pic of my open ECU. Don't ask why I keep these pics on my laptop.

You can see the EPROM socket at the lower right. The cutout is on the left side,also where the white dot is. Your EPROM chip's cutout needs to be here.

To be safe I have the socket in the ECU, and also put the EPROMS in sockets too. Then I can't bend the pins on the chips, I can replace the socket if I have to.


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The installation of the Dali chip and ZIF socket is shown here:

I have installed many of the ZIF sockets for the Dali chip. If it was installed by me, then the ZIF socket lever is on the right and Pin 1 (notch) is on the left.

By the way, if you install the chip backwards (rotated 180 degrees) and then turn on the ignition key, the chip will be destroyed.
Thanks for the explanation. Mark J. told me several times how bad things get when installing the chip the wrong way round. That's what made me post the question.

The Dali-chip was installed by a very extremely nice and knowledgable Dutch NSX-driver who happens to drive the only Dutch black NSX I know off and who is a very good electronics guy to boot.
The whole install took him less than half an hour while at the same time commenting about how old-fashioned the NSX-print is.