Which NSX should I buy?

26 April 2006
charleston, sc huntington, wv
I'll start by saying I am loking to buy a NSX.

I am ready to buy anyear up to 98 but I am not sure which is best for my goals and cheapest. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I just joined the forums and am going to learn evrything I can as fast as possible. I want to buy the car and do all mods I have planned at once as soon as I buy the car.With that said here is what I am looking for and wat I am ready to do.

I can do all mechanical work myself.

I am looking for end results to be about 450whp, 6 speed transmison and the targa top. I also might want to upggrade the brakes as I am not sure what caliber brakes the car comes with to begin with I assume very good but might need more with the added power. I want to do this as cheap as possible and am willing to do enormous amounts of work to get it there engine/tranny swaps new leather etc..

I am trying to find out at what point does the motor need built exactly what needs bulit? I am hoping the Ti rods stay and only forged pistons are added. I do nto car which motor I have 3.0 or 3.2. I want to know what parts are interchangable like can the 6 speed tranny be bolted right in where a 5 speed was the same with the 3.0 motor and the 3.2 motor. I am also interestede in rake upgrades if they are needed I assume.

Which year will I be anble to start with the cheapest to miles matter much as far as the way the chassis ages? I will be building any motor I am ready to re upholster the interior.

I am thinking of using the aem with this car as I use it with my supra and like it. I do not know how well the aem works with the nsx though. This car iwll ultimately go to my father. so I am looking for reliability once I am done. I am not sure whether I will be super charging or turbo charging alsi if turbo I am not sure if it will be 2 or 1. Are centrfical super chargers being used on these. I know this is a lot of ?'s please answer what you feel like I will be using the search function and have already read the FAQ's but I am looking for real word experiences from people who have done the things I am asking about.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post and I hope to learn a lot of information from you guys and your forum. I will contribute what I can. I know everything about supras if anyone needs help or advice with those. Mine is a great daily driver with 512 hp 462 tq on pump gas with great reliability and virtually no lag. I designed the fuel system myself and picked out every part. the only thing I didnt do was tune the aem.


PS I love the look and handling of the NSX. I hope I do not fall more in love with this NSX (built for my father) than I do for my supra. YOU GUYS HAVE GREAT CARS!
Well at least you have a goal!

I'm not a definative expert, but from what i've picked up on this forum you can go with these general guidelines.

If you want 450hp, go turbo. A High boost supercharger setup could get you there, but will be much more expensive.

You shouldnt need internals to reach that goal with a turbo setup.

Check out --> http://www.turbochargedpower.com/

Their kit is great, the build quality is great, and power for money ratio is KILLER.

455whp on a safe 8psi w/the AEM standalone. I'd say that would about do it for ya.

This thread has loads of info for you as well. ---> http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=64075

It shows the magazine review of the HP kit, and you'll also note a couple people have taken the dive on the HP kit on this forum allready.

If you dont want HP, you can allways go to Factor X for their FX 400 or FX 500 kits. Do a search for those terms and start reading! But seeing as how you want to do the work yourself, the HP kit is probably the way to go.

My only concerns are that the 91-94 3.0 engines respond the best to turbo'ed boost and the AEM unit, but you specified a 1998 NSX which is going to be a 3.2L. though i belive that recently companies have sucessfully integrated the AEM into the OBD-2 cars without problems. Something to look into, i'm not sure about the exact differences in how the actual internals on the two engines respond to boost. Figure on upgrading your clutch while your at it.

I know some of this might leave you with more questions but just keep searching. Hopefully this will give you a place to start!
Thanks for the info. I was just saying I am willing to buy up to a 98 in model year but i do want the targa which looks like I am going to have to go with the obd2 After a little bit of reading it looks like maybe 400whp should be a more reasonable goal. Thanks for the great response and I am going to start reading the threads you sent me now.


stage 1 sounds perfect to me and is a very similar turbo to the one I have and love on my supra. moving on to thread #2 you suggested

only thing running 15lbs on a stock n/a is imprssive but I dont know if that it is posible to be reliable daily like I need.I mean the supra motor has done 1000hp on stock internals but in no way is that possible to do daily or for that matter on the strret as far as i am concerened.

I am on to read about the strengths of the internals now. I hope the TI rods get to stay. Your guys search feature does not give many results. I will probally buld the motor due to buying a higher mile used car anyway/
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