Which Honda supercar would you buy? Includes engine options, price, and buyer type

Which Supercar would you spend your money on?

  • I'd buy a brand new HSC with a 350-400 Hp V6 for $60K

    Votes: 16 28.1%
  • I'd buy a second hand HSC with a 350-400 HP V6

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • I'd buy a new mid-engine chassis with Longitual mount V8 with 450 HP for $80K

    Votes: 8 14.0%
  • I'd buy a second hand mid-engine chassis with Longitual mount V8 with 450 HP

    Votes: 7 12.3%
  • I'd buy a new mid-engine chassis with Longitual mount V10 with 550 HP for $120K

    Votes: 12 21.1%
  • I'd buy a second hand mid-engine chassis with Longitual mount V10 with 550 HP

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • I'd buy a front engined V10 with 550 Hp for $85K

    Votes: 3 5.3%
  • I'd buy a second hand front engine V10 with 550 Hp

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm not a potential buyer for either a new or used

    Votes: 3 5.3%

  • Total voters
4 October 2002
Expanding the poll data to gauge if buyers will be new car buyers or used car (second hand) buyers. How much of your hard earn dollars are you willing to part with?

For the many second hand NSX owners, would you be in a position to buy it brand new a few years from now when Honda bring out the production car?

Note that the Front engine V10 is priced at $85K because this is in line with the price points in the Acura Suvery. Cost would be controlled by platform sharing with new Acura flagship sedan.
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Many argue that on one will buy it new. I say they will, if you can't get it used, people perhaps will go new.
I voted for a brand new HSC because I have seen it and I like it. Now if they were to stuff a V8 or even a V10 in a similar design to the HSC, I would probably go with the bigger engined car.
After spending all my effort on "R" conversion, I'm deeply attatched to my NSX. As much as I would like to see a new MR platform sports car from Honda, I think the FR layout will be a good "addition" to my NSX. I will feel weird about owning two MR cars. I don't think I will sell my NSX even if Honda come out with a new MR platform...

Again, I reserve my judgement until the finish product is out. After all, I do like Honda product more than other manufactures'.

I wouldn't be surprise however, to see Honda make another MR car after the ASC project.

They can shelf the HSC idea, I want to see some thing more extreme than the HSC concept.
After spending all my effort on "R" conversion, I'm deeply attatched to my NSX. As much as I would like to see a new MR platform sports car from Honda, I think the FR layout will be a good "addition" to my NSX. I will feel weird about owning two MR cars. I don't think I will sell my NSX even if Honda come out with a new MR platform...

Again, I reserve my judgement until the finish product is out. After all, I do like Honda product more than other manufactures'.

I wouldn't be surprise however, to see Honda make another MR car after the ASC project.

They can shelf the HSC idea, I want to see some thing more extreme than the HSC concept.

So I won't be the only one with a NSX ,S2000 and ASC?:biggrin:
Current Summary with 45 votes:

  • 42 of 45 voters are buyers
  • 39 of 42 buyers (93%) want mid-engine. This is consistent with other polls
  • In the mid-engine group, most new car buyers want V6
  • In the mid-engine group, there are more V8 and V10 used car buyers compared to V6. This is likely due to the price of admission.
  • 3 of 42 buyers (7%) want Front engine. No used car buyers for Front engine layout

Keep the votes coming.