This happened to me a few months ago at an Acura dealer.
Here's a very short version. I went to Ed Napelton Acura in Elmhurst, IL to get an oil change. After going through many annoying conversations about the type of oil used and competence of the techs. I finally got the 'Service Manager' to agree to check the oil level (Would you believe the Acura tech DID NOT DO IT!). So he tells me to open the engine compartment, I get into the car and pop the engine compartment. When I step back out, he's trying to open the TRUNK by lifting the wing! Then I open the engine compartment and he goes, 'Don't see many of these very often'. Can you believe that the service manager of an Acura dealer doesn't know where the NSX engine is! Unbelievable! Needless to say, I'm never going back there again.
Here's a list of things they did wrong:
1. Lied and said they used Mobil 1 (I made them pull the empty oil bottles from the garbage)
2. Used some generic oil, Parts Plus Oil.
3. Tried to convince me this oil was better!
4. Did not check oil dip stick after oil change (Tried to convince me this was OK)
5. Put oil fingerprints all over my NSX, didnt clean them
6. Scratched my car (Dealer buffed it out)
Sorry I went off topic but you struck a nerve! I feel like going back and yelling at them again now!
Back to the topic...
When I was looking for an NSX, I asked a saleslady if I could look at the engine. She proceeds to pop the hood and open it. So, I tell her, the engine's over here. On her defense, this was a combined Acura/Audi? dealership and I think she was an Audi sales person, but filling in since all other salespersons were busy.