Where's James been?

21 January 2005
Bay Area, CA
Friends on Prime,

I know a lot of you are waiting for photo CDs from me from the Lombard photo shoot. Since my last posting here on Prime I've also received the photos from the secondary photographer.

Forgive my lagging on this.

I've been having a few issues in my personal life and just haven't had the motivation to do anything, including perusing the threads here on Prime. I have some things I need to deal with and I promise I'll be back in the saddle as soon as I can.

I wish I could say that I'm going to get right on it but I honestly don't know when I might be able to. I ask for all of your patience and hope you all understand.


If there's a way for me to get the master CDs and list of names/addresses, I'd be glad to do this for you so it's one less thing on your plate. Please PM me if you read this. Thanks.

Hey James hope you get better soon. I was wondering why I didn't hear back from you but no worries bro. Take care of what you have to and come back to us when you are ready bro.
James, as someone who lived through the civil war in Beirut, I GUARANTEE you that better times are ahead on the rollercoaster of life. Keep your chin up. Let me know if you need any help.

I'm going to lay off the police escort jokes for a little while. ;)

Mike C has burned copies of the CD for everyone and I've bought the mailers. I should have them out next week some time. I apologize for the delay.

James? You OK? Please feel free to PM me if you want.

James, hope you are doing ok ~ haven't heard from you in a while. Since we're practically neighbors just let me know if you need anything!

side-note thanks for sending out the Lombard CD's I got mine a while ago and the pictures look great! thanks again for organizing.
