Where to tap for boost on closest to firewall? For CTSC setup.

5 January 2011
Southern California
OK, some I need some help here. I originally wanted to tap into fuel preassure regulator for boost readinfg but this is as far as the wire goes and would preffer not to cut and extend.

Can someone help me here with some info and tell me if I can tap into any of these lines for boost? Im thinking I can do this. Otherwise I might run a vaccuum line from here to FPR instead of extending the line. Thanks in advance.

I searched.
Also, I'm guessing that tapping in most of those lines will not work because they are before the blower. You'll need to tap after the blower to get an accurate boost reading.
Pretty sure my boost line is under the pulley. There is a place right there to screw it in.
didnt see one.

OK so the picture below shows my SC (when it was off) and you can see preassure switch tapped directly into SC. Next to it you see a line that goes to my FPR. Seems like they come from same place so I should be able to tap into my FPR line, no?

If not then reffer to below below. There is another line from under SC that come from similiar location and into the same area as vaccuum lines. Maybe I can tap into there?

go to the other end under the pulley...there's an allen screw that can be removed for a tap bung like you show in your pictures that is for boost tap.
I used the top one on the 2nd picture.
U'll need a 1/8 npt adapter to screw into it. Got mine off ebay. Local hardware didnt carry it.
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I use thread tape, hand tight. Then slowly wrecnch til its snug. Dont force it. Dont go using ur hulk strength on it. U can tell if its snug n tight.
Bring the plug with u when u go buy it, i triple check the thread size before bringing it home to install. Last thing u want to do is strip the thread hole.

Good luck
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Yes the Second picture showing the plenum and either one of the two plugs.. Listen to all their advice. It is soft metal. just be careful like all are saying. When you take out the plug, take it with you to get the right thread pattern. Also, do not let alot of that old tape go down into your intake. Try to tweezer it out the best you can before you screw in the new tap.
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What I did was the big bulky copper part, leave that behind speaker. Run the vaccumm line and tap the fpr line. I read normal boost, about 5 pounds doing that. No need to tap the manifold imo.
What I did was the big bulky copper part, leave that behind speaker. Run the vaccumm line and tap the fpr line. I read normal boost, about 5 pounds doing that. No need to tap the manifold imo.

do you have a picture of your setup? where you hook up the vacuum line to the fpr??
Took some pics for the archives. Perhaps they can be of help.

Top sensor is the Intake Air Temp sensor. I forget what size but it was a bitch to find and only one vendor sold it in Texas. I have thread on it here somewhere.

Bottom fitting goes to my Zeitronix Digital MAP/Boost sensor.

