where to go to have a look at my NSX?

10 November 2006
I am lost on this fourm. This is my fist time using this site so be nice.

I was just left a Honda NSX to my name and i whnt to know where in Melbourne i can go to have it checked out. i want to learn as much as i can about the NSX so i can know if i am getting riped off or not.
As far as i can tell it is 99. i have no idea what i am doing. i cant drive it yet, i am still on my p's. my boyfriend gave it to me and i dont know anything about it. i can only say that it is red and he bought it in 99.
Can someone ask neo to reply to my forum, i dont do PM. and is there any other helpful NSX sites? and yes i am in Australia, S.E of melbourne.
Why not do PM? Just click the private message link at the top of the page.

There's also a LOT of general info in the FAQ. Otherwise, just read all the forums, everything has been discussed at some point, if you do a search. And all the common issues come up every few weeks or so in new threads.
stealth said:
I was just left a Honda NSX to my name and i whnt to know where in Melbourne i can go to have it checked out. i want to learn as much as i can about the NSX so i can know if i am getting riped off or not.

stealth said:
my boyfriend gave it to me

How can you be getting 'ripped off' if someone either left you or gave you a car????:confused:
92NSX said:
How can you be getting 'ripped off' if someone either left you or gave you a car????:confused:

It was my boyfriends and i don't think i can drive it after he.....you know :frown:. it is hard to decide what to do with it and i think i at least owe it to him to learn about the car first. now i wished i listend to him when he talked about it.

That is all i want to say about the matter of how i got it.

Your stance seems a bit combative in nature, I doubt this is your intention, but we're all enthusiasts here, and if you're interested in learning anything at all about this car this is the site to do it. As has been mentioned a few times in this thread, there is a section called the FAQ, here:

That goes into great detail about every aspect of the nsx. It's a bit dated, as it hasn't been revised in several years, but the car hasn't really changed in several years either, and it conveys the general idea of the vehicle. Reading this section in detail provides a great deal of information about the car. The forums themselves are quite active, and a search will turn up a great deal of relevant information for anything nsx.

If you received a 'cost free' nsx you are not getting 'ripped off', I can understand if the situation that led to it being left to you is one you would rather not discuss, but the car itself can be seen as a reminder of the person who left it to you. If you would rather not have such an item the used market for nsx's is quite active, and they're hard to come across in Austrailia, as far as I know.

Whichever direction you decide to go in, I wish you the best of luck.
Hi Stealth,

Welcome to NSX Prime! Always nice to have another Aussie onboard. :)

If you want to contact me, you can PM me here or you email me - I dont post my mobile number online for obvious reasons.

We can meet up and talk more in person if you'd prefer; I'm happy to answer any questions & check out your NSX if you would like. If you're not an NSX fan now, I can convert you. :D Just PM or email me and we'll take things from there. :)

EDIT: removed my email, can still email me via my profile.
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Thank you scorp965 and neoNSX. i am learning alot from that FAQ section and im soon i will understand what sone of the guy and girl are talking about soon!
No worries! :D

If you're left with questions the FAQ doesn't answer, you have my email... give me a buzz & i'll send you my mobile so we can talk.

There's been talk a mini Melbourne NSX cruise before Christmas. You'd be most welcome to join us.

Otherwise, hope to see you on the forums in the future!
Neo, be careful, be very careful! I think Stealth may not be what he/she claims to be.

It is honourable and generous of you to offer your help but to be excited over a missed call from a private number is another thing.

Thread carefully my friend.
nsxinkl said:
Neo, be careful, be very careful! I think Stealth may not be what he/she claims to be.

First of all nsxinkl, I am a girl, 2nd who do you think I am claming to be? I can understand your warning to neoNSX about posting out information about himself, like a phone number, BUT he is a big boy now and can take care of himself. What can a small 5ft tall 45killo girl do to a guy? Bite his ankles maybe?
I also value my privacy and safety so I don’t allow people to message me, if that’s ok with you.

Thank you for making me feel welcomed (sarcasm).
Stealth, there have been problems with people posing on prime before - that's why <B>nsxinkl</B>'s saying what he's saying. Don't take it personal. If you're for real you have nothing to worry about. :)

Gender is not an issue; but prepare yourself for some mild sexism on this mostly-male forum. Expect favouritism too though - it works both ways.

While we all value our online privacy and safety, I hope you take a 'chance' in contacting me. I don't bite. Reading about the NSX is one thing; talking with enthusiast's and owners is a whole new dimension.
Thanks neo,

I am just about to take my NSX for its first drive tonight, Look out Melbourne! And my e-mail is down so here is my new address [email protected] if you want to contact me neo.

I will tell you how it goes when i get back.
It was super. I had a hard time with the stick and even though I have a manual license it was hard. But it has the finest acceleration I have ever seen, just a little touch with my foot and next thing I know I am doing 100km. I was just coming off warrigal onto the south eastern freeway and I got a few looks, I had some kids come up next to me and they had a nice good look (not just at the car). But it was a nice drive; I did'nt get to see how fast she goes…..yet! But all in good time :biggrin:.

If you ever want to contact me dippy9 my e-mail is just in my last post.