Where is HIS SPIDEY IT"s Rogers Birthday

21 August 2003
Edison, New Jersey
Happy Birthday Roger
Hope you had a nice piece of bland chicken and salad with your home made dressing. Have a Healthy, Happy and Fantastic Birthday :cool:
Alan,Roberta,Josh and the rest of the Brady Bunch
Thanks for the call too!! What a major disappointment, first year since I've been on prime that I didn't get my spidey!:frown:
Thanks for the call too!! What a major disappointment, first year since I've been on prime that I didn't get my spidey!:frown:

Stop your complaining you old man!!! :biggrin:

Thanks for the call too!! What a major disappointment, first year since I've been on prime that I didn't get my spidey!:frown:

With all your complaining and whining, you sure are starting to fit the part of a crotchety old man!:biggrin:

Perhaps you should buy this book before its too late!:

Oh yeah, before I forget....

Happy Birthday!
Hope you had a nice day.:smile: I can't believe we had to get a spidey from another time zone.
Sorry for spidus interruptus. Been selecting a jury in manattan all week and just got assigned to an annex where there is wifi.

But I did send Roger a set of dancing spidey sheets (rubber because of his age-induced incontinence) and jammies for his birthday.
Thanks for all the wishes, late as it is, better late than never. My spidey arrived before midnight, so all is good with the world (no thanks to my dear good friend RSO):eek: