Where in this pic is the thermostat?

1 May 2001
Point of No Return
Okay, so I am trying to change my thermostat in my '94 NSX, and the pictures in the shop manual (for a 1991 NSX) look different than what I see. In this picture (taken from the driver side, with air box removed), where the heck is my thermostat? Is it even in this picture? Please help me find it, since my car is down until I get this figured out. :(

i havent had to change mine, but typically the theromstat is inside the water neck housing on the engine block. Remove water neck housing and its sandwiched between it and the block with a gasket. At least thats how "most" cars have them.

I think it is right at the bottom of the photo, its housing connected to the large coolant hose that runs towards the left.

I wouldn't think the location varies much from year to year. I have the 92shop manual and will confirm with the car tomorrow.

well I use to be a mechanic and from past experiences, I would look for the biggest coolant line going into the engine with a separate housing to cover the thermostat. So in this picture, it appears to be the biggest coolant hose going right below the throttle body on the lower left hand corner of the throttle body.
Mitch, you're just lucky its not one of those Rectal Thermostats, then I could tell you for certain where it would be! ;)
It is not in the pic:). It is UNDER the throttle body. Look at this pic:

http://www.acuraautomotiveparts.org...omp=List All&vinnoT=&trim=&trans=&view=normal

And yes, as Tat mentioned it is in the housing connected to the large coolant hose that goes forward.


This is where I am confused. That picture looks totally different from what the manual says on where it should be. I do not know if the manual being a 1991 and my car being a 1994 makes a difference, but this is just confusing. ARGH!
Here you go. Ok, it's of a 91 but shouldn't matter anyway.
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Awesome! That is exactly what I needed. Have a great day! :)

Thanks! :) Good luck in changing it. It's not difficult. The dismounting of the throttle body like in my pic is not necessary but gave me a better view of what to do. :wink:
how much does the dealer charge to replace the thermostat? These things always fail. I always thought honda should of put thermostat replacement in their 90k service proceedures.