Where can I purchase a Dyno?

4 September 2006
New Orleans
Looking to put a dyno in my Garage at home. Need some help with the pro's and con's. Which Dyno should I get and where? Thnx Greg Z
Now, there's a project that I can relate to! Sorry I have no knowledge of how to proceed, but this sounds like a fun project. Let us know how it works out for you.
prepare to be everybody's best friend haha
I'm coming over:biggrin:

Btw, you might want to ask Chris at SOS or Anytime. They are probably your best leads.

Good Luck.
There's no way the municipality would let you put a dyno in your garage.

If my neighbours had one, I'd firebomb their house.

You do realize how FREAKIN' LOUD it's gonna be, right!?

I doubt GregZ lives anywhere near a "Municipality" or near anyone that would or could care about the sounds coming from his garage.

When you get it installed please post pics:smile:
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get a dynapack like Slowboyracing.com They work great and you can move them anywhere.
There's no way the municipality would let you put a dyno in your garage.

If my neighbours had one, I'd firebomb their house.

You do realize how FREAKIN' LOUD it's gonna be, right!?

I don't live in the city.
And no I admit I did kinda forget how loud they are. But is only for about 30 sec.s at a time. Maybe I could shut the Garage door with an exhaust tube?

Why not a portable one, no need to involve your local inspectors, but sure to piss off your neihbors.



Portable? I like!

I doubt GregZ lives anywhere near a "Municipality" or near anyone that would or could care about the sounds coming from his garage.

When you get it installed please post pics:smile:

He is right but I do have one neighbor. I don't know him yet because the house is for sale. Wish I could buy it, that would solve that problem. Just put a renter in it but the house is too nice.
Dang it Greg!!...I thought you lived out in the sticks...ya know where a man can try out his Dukes of Hazard driving skills:wink:

Dang it Greg!!...I thought you lived out in the sticks...ya know where a man can try out his Dukes of Hazard driving skills:wink:


LOL, actually I do!
Look what I did last week chasing 4 wheeler in the back yard.
I swear at 10pm it looked like a damn bush.


I'm ready to get back on this project. When I was checking into it before I met a couple of people that said they were about to open a shop with a dyno, so I backed off and let it go. but they never did it. I'm not a tuner or mechanic at all so I'm not looking for something Hi-tech, just a good all around dependable dyno . i will be dyno'ing cars for money to pay for this but it will be a side job. I will not be doing any tuning. now for the question..

..What dyno would be the best for me?
Get a load bearing one like a dyno dynamics or mustang dyno. They will more accurately simulate real world driving.
have you already picked up a dyno?

if not....Look into DynoJet 224xLC

low profile eddy current and very reliable for many many years!

DynoJet Winpep7 software is very user friendly and I think that will be your best bet!
If you think that the neighbor will be any problem at all, you should talk to him first. Just invite him over for the proverbial pie or BBQ, and then casually mention that you are putting in a dyno and it could be a little noisy occasionally.

If you give him a heads up first, he'll have FAR less reason to complain later, even if you end up using it every day. If he's like 95% of the population, he'll just say, "sure neighbor, just don't use it early or late" :wink::biggrin: