where can i or who knows how to make the best resume set up anyone has ever seen???

3 December 2005
bay area
hey guys i need your help where can i get help to make a very good resume. I just dont think mines is good enough to say wow! Any pointers? Im going to a new job and they want a real good resume my insider friends tell me...:confused: Well any help would do thanks guys... feel free to email me [email protected]
There is no "template". A good resume:

Communicates who you are and what you're good at.
Is meticulously formatted - no typos, no spelling errors, no grammar mistakes.
Is easy and quick to read - odds are the person reading them will be going through hundreds. Your's needs to stand out.

Maybe once you think you have something post it up and I (and I'm sure others) will be glad to comment.
Seriously my definition of a great resume is just the content of it, not how it looks.

try to be elaborate and precise on what you done for your past jobs. a list or brief description on your talents, skills, and work ethic.

Use words like you are adaptable, hard work, team worker, wanting to grow within the company and stay long term, quick learner, energetic and postitive worker.

Have some good references and job history, and school history is what the look for the most. If you have limited resources in references and job history then try to make it up on your interviews and the way you contact with the recruiter.

First impression is everything, have a nice suit and tie wear, groom well and have great smelling breath.

here are some useful links




Be confident and tailor your resume and the way you interview to the companies' needs, and emphasize on them. Research the company you want to work for and give them everything they want to hear.

Well Goodluck man, the job market is fierce. Just practice your pitch and apply everywhere.
all verbage should be bulleted for quick and easy viewing (not paragraph form). leave out any fluff or b.s. like hobbies or family info. list 3 professional references up front... none of that "references available upon request" crap.

i have 3 columns on my resume
1) client logo - unique, shows off some hot shot names
2) key words - for HR eyes
3) accomplishments - high level bullets



  • resume.jpg
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Unless you have a PhD, Masters, or high level management experience keep it short. Post it up and we'll help you. It's an art, not a science.
all verbage should be bulleted for quick and easy viewing (not paragraph form). leave out any fluff or b.s. like hobbies or family info. list 3 professional references up front... none of that "references available upon request" crap.

i have 3 columns on my resume
1) client logo - unique, shows off some hot shot names
2) key words - for HR eyes
3) accomplishments - high level bullets


I like that, definitely stands out. My resume is old school... hopefully I never have to update it again, but if I do, I may steal your format :).