where can I find the transmission code? the white barcode is gone!

22 March 2005
Cruz Bay, St. John USVI & Sopers Hole, Tortola BVI
Hello- I am trying to find out if the transmission in my 92 NSX is within snap ring range...we looked for the code where it says you can find it in the FAQ section and the white barcode/trans code is not there...this is a little urgent becuase I am trying to sell my car and need to know wether its snap ring range or not...is there another place where I can find the trans code? thanks
I think i saw you today *NSXAPEAL* on US-1 heading towards I-40West.
You sure you want to sell it? You got it lookin sharp!!!
hey :o) yeah that was me....I dont want to sell, but I need to as I am trying to pay off some medical bills and also starting school and planning a move to south florida. But I am definatly going to get another one hopefully next year when I get back straight. Id like a 97 or 98 targa!! But I am going to cry cry cry when someone drives away in my baby. :o(....you dont by chance know where I can find the transmission code other than the white label one do you? I really need to find out if this transmission is within snap range and the label has come off......oh well...any help is appreciated. Thanks
I am not aware of any other way know , unless you have a bill stating it was fixed. What is the year and last 4 digits of the VIN? PM if you like. This is not 100% accurate, but we can guess as to the probability of it being in range or not.

hey. Thanks for your reply...the guy who owned this car previously had the transmission replaced when the mileage was 83,something thousand miles. There is a receipt from the shop that installed the transmission, but the receipt for the actual transmission was not in there...so the transmission thats in the car is not the original...and I really wanted to know if he replaced it with another transmission that was in snap ringe range or not..becuase I am trying to sell the car, people keep asking me if its within range...and I hate to say I dont know...but I guess if there's no other way to find the trans code I'm out of luck.I was hoping they stamped the code in the transmission somewhere, seems silly to just have it on a label that can come off. Oh well....keep the suggestions coming if anyone knows where I can find it. Thanks.

Larry Bastanza said:
I am not aware of any other way know , unless you have a bill stating it was fixed. What is the year and last 4 digits of the VIN? PM if you like. This is not 100% accurate, but we can guess as to the probability of it being in range or not.

Larry Bastanza said:
What is the year and last 4 digits of the VIN? PM if you like. This is not 100% accurate, but we can guess as to the probability of it being in range or not.
Does this work? I know you can guess a probability for the '91 NSX (not likely if it's < MT002500, very likely if it's >MT002600) but I'm not aware of any part of the '92 VIN range being more probable than any other.

BTW, this is probably not relevant to Alexandra's car, anyway, since the VIN only allows you to guess whether the original transmission was in snap ring range.

Alixp81 said:
There is a receipt from the shop that installed the transmission, but the receipt for the actual transmission was not in there...so the transmission thats in the car is not the original...and I really wanted to know if he replaced it with another transmission that was in snap ringe range or not..
If the transmission was new, purchased in 1994 or later, it is highly likely that it was NOT in snap ring range.

If it was used or rebuilt, or purchased before 1994, there is no way of knowing.
yeah...I have no way of knowing whether he replaced the transmission with a nwer model one or an older one. I was hoping to find the receipt for it in the packet with his other receipts but there isnt one...and the receipt from the shop that installed it didnt mention anything about the transmission just they replaced it. So, that sucks.....guess I will never know.....but let me ask....what are the symptoms of snap ring?..I mean...how do you know if you are experiencing snap ring failure?
Alixp81 said:
what are the symptoms of snap ring?..I mean...how do you know if you are experiencing snap ring failure?
They're described in the FAQ. Click on FAQ ==> Troubleshooting ==> Transmission (incl Snap Ring).
nsxtasy said:
Does this work? I know you can guess a probability for the '91 NSX (not likely if it's < MT002500, very likely if it's >MT002600) but I'm not aware of any part of the '92 VIN range being more probable than any other.

From what I have seen VIN's in the 2200 + range on 1991 are high probability, and also early 1992's. Again this is not foolproof, but with out the serial number of the trans the VIN is the only other data you have.

BTW, this is probably not relevant to Alexandra's car, anyway, since the VIN only allows you to guess whether the original transmission was in snap ring range.


If the transmission was new, purchased in 1994 or later, it is highly likely that it was NOT in snap ring range.

If it was used or rebuilt, or purchased before 1994, there is no way of knowing.

