Where are all the Red 2002+ ?

14 March 2008
I've been cruising the market for another red NSX 2002+, none listed.:confused: I didn't think red was as rare. Just looking to add, not sell my current one.
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All 2002+ are very rare. I have a red on Tan 03 and it was one of 2 listed back in 2009/10 in all of North America if my memory serves me correctly. I could be wrong.. If there were any more 02+ listed wasn't much more.

Here's mine:

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There were only 860+/- 2002-2005 NSXs in the U.S. That's just under 10% of the total number of NSXs sent to the U.S. during its production. All of the colors are rare in those years. Red-nsx just sold his 03 Red to you about a week after he posted it. So the good ones move fast. However, there were 137 Red 02+ cars produced another will show up just be patient. But, if you are planning on getting another so you can garage queen your current car (though I hope not, no car deserves to sit), you might consider an older coupe to have one of each version. There is great contrast in the coupe experience vs the targa. Good luck in your search.
I've been cruising the market for another red NSX 2002+, none listed.:confused: I didn't think red was as rare. Just looking to add, not sell my current one.

Hmmmm, interesting :tongue:

There were only 860+/- 2002-2005 NSXs in the U.S. That's just under 10% of the total number of NSXs sent to the U.S. during its production. All of the colors are rare in those years. Red-nsx just sold his 03 Red to you about a week after he posted it. So the good ones move fast. However, there were 137 Red 02+ cars produced another will show up just be patient. But, if you are planning on getting another so you can garage queen your current car (though I hope not, no car deserves to sit), you might consider an older coupe to have one of each version. There is great contrast in the coupe experience vs the targa. Good luck in your search.

LB maybe he's one of them "hoarders" from Tennessee :eek: ?
I'm sort of a hoarder if it's something I like. Also have a couple of the V8 4Runners for daily driver(s), those are also no longer manufactured, best one's Toyota ever made IMHO.
My two cents:

1 cent: As spring progresses, more cars will come out of the woodwork and you may see a 2002 or 2 pop out
2 cent: When the new NSX2 comes out, you may see some more 2002+ cars on the market.
Oldnews. Patience is key to finding the good ones. Took me two years to find the exact car I wanted when I bought my former car--- yours now.
Another question is--- why does anyone need more than one? Ok -- just kidding. Having two was great but it always made it hard to decide which one to drive on those rare times I took them out for their monthly drive.

Good do luck with the search for that perfect other car.
Monthly drive.....LMAO.