When will the rain stop so the NSX cam come out

14 August 2004
Yorba Linda
When will the rain stop so the NSX can come out to play

Fellow Cali NSXers, I don't know about you but this rain is really hampering my drive time. It looks so sad day after day as it sits in the garage waiting to be released. :frown:

Plus I think I'm getting withdrawls myself
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I agree.

I've driven my NSX a total of probably 30 minutes since early December. That is not enough....
Just go drive the damn car or sell it if you are so picky about drops of water on it. Last I checked, an aluminum car DOES NOT rust if it gets wet, so why the aversion of driving an NSX in the rain? :confused: :mad: :rolleyes:
AndyVecsey said:
Just go drive the damn car or sell it if you are so picky about drops of water on it. Last I checked, an aluminum car DOES NOT rust if it gets wet, so why the aversion of driving an NSX in the rain? :confused: :mad: :rolleyes:

Here here!! Good pionts. Heck, I even drive mine to the Home Depot to pick up some small goodies for the house.
Just drive it.
Re: When will the rain stop so the NSX can come out to play

sawbona said:
Fellow Cali NSXers, I don't know about you but this rain is really hampering my drive time. It looks so sad day after day as it sits in the garage waiting to be released. :frown:

Plus I think I'm getting withdrawls myself

Same here, drove my NSX twice in last 3 weeks, it seems like the rain will not stop even in Southern Cal :mad:

I can't wait until sun comes out so I can drive NSX again.
Re: When will the rain stop so the NSX can come out to play

I hear yah!!!! Mine has been sitting on a lift in the garage for the last three weeks. I went in today, closed my eyes, and pretended that I was crusing at Willow Spring track :D All I've been doing every day is scrubbing underneath of the car.......................gettting rid of road grimes and road killed:D :tongue:

nsxsupra said:
Same here, drove my NSX twice in last 3 weeks, it seems like the rain will not stop even in Southern Cal :mad:

I can't wait until sun comes out so I can drive NSX again.
Re: When will the rain stop so the NSX can come out to play

Well, it gives me another excuse to lay more coats of Zaino on. :D I think that I may have driven it too much since I've had it too. 1000 miles in 3 weeks. :p I think that the weather also thinks so, and is forcing me to give the NSX a break. :D
Well, your comments will not bring my shiney fully detailed NSX "garage queen" out onto the wet muddy and slippery roads. I have NO problem waiting for clear, warm and sunny day.
Re: When will the rain stop so the NSX can come out to play

sawbona said:
Fellow Cali NSXers, I don't know about you but this rain is really hampering my drive time. It looks so sad day after day as it sits in the garage waiting to be released. :frown:

Plus I think I'm getting withdrawls myself

Feel the same thing myself. It's not that I mind getting the car wet, it's just all the crazies out on the road which seem to come out with the poor weather.

So I pull out of the driveway while there's a break(actual sunshine lol) in the incessant rain. Sure enough, 3 seconds later it starts to rain pretty hard. I don't want to turn back so I drive the couple of miles to the grocery store and while parking, I guess I pulled a little too far forward and caught the front rubbing strip over the block.

Get done shopping, start off in the car then I hear this weird flapping sound like some tire noise or something. Not til i get home do I realize the right front strip was hanging down and scraping the ground the whole way home.

Just feel fortunate and felt a sigh of relief it was nothing more serious, but some days you feel like you should've just stayed in bed :redface:
i've had problems with my car sort of sliding around in the rear. usually when i hit larger patches of water. kind of scary... so i TRY not to drive it in the rain...but when i do, i drive it very conservatively...

but i do wish the DAMN rain would stop in cali.... it sucks...
One reason why I avoid driving the NSX in the rain is that I'd constantly be worried of being nailed by some moron who decides to learn the hard way that rain isn't very good friends with traction.
CDX_NSX said:
One reason why I avoid driving the NSX in the rain is that I'd constantly be worried of being nailed by some moron who decides to learn the hard way that rain isn't very good friends with traction.

You californians amuse me..... I'm suffering over here in SE Minnesota with sub-zero temps, snow and freezing rain. My car is stored for a minimum of 4 months.... :frown: :frown: And you guys complain about some rain drops.....

Sorry, I had to get that off my chest....... :smile: (maybe it's time to move)

As far as the rain goes. My buddy never drives his viper in the rain because it handles very poorly. Yet, I'll take my NSX out every so often just because it handles very well in the rain, and it makes for some fun driving. The only downfall is, I spend a couple hours washing her up the next day.

I did do a lovely sideways slide down the highway (65mph) during a heavy rainstorm last summer. I was pissed because I've always heard how well the NSX handles the rain. Then I got home and did full detail of the car and found my rear tires had hardly any tread (my bad). It's hard to get traction in the rain when you are driving with slicks!! Tacked that up as a learning experience..... It's amazing how fast that last bit of tread goes......
Good or bad handling in the rain... It depends on all sort of things indeed, like tires, speed, pressure in the tires, size of the tires, amount of water on the road....

But I heard someone say here on prime a while ago: "If you want to get rid of the NSX, keep on driving 100mph on the motorway in the rain, one day you'll loose it." Guess what, I had to try it, and indeed, the back of the cars comes loose very easily when doing 100mph+ , even with good tires. Especially on our very well maintained belgian motorways (standing water etc...)
Bart is absolutely right: you must have good tires with a lot of tread left and the proper tire pressure. Minimal tread depth and standing water don't mix.

I also feel the same way that CDX_NSX does about other drivers. Every time is rains - even a little - in Charlotte the number of driving accidents goes up dramatically - they can't drive down here. Not to mention SNOW!
I would hate to have anything bad happens to my car. As safe as I am driving, I hate to have Slip n' slide by stupid moron out there into my car ....it is unacceptable. I don't know about you, but when something that I love got destroyed....I feel like a part of me is gone. My nsx is the one I love most in my garage.........as such, I rather have it sit in the garage protected. Now....as others have mentioned, it is not much of the water drops........it has to do with the craziness on the road. I have to admit most Californian can't drive in the rain.

As an example, I was so close to getting kill the other day by a lady that tried to save time by doing her chore while driving. She was holding a bottle of eye liner on one hand and applying it to her eye the other hand. AS such, she has no hands left but to use her elbow to steer the car. Needless to say and keep it short, she forced me to the emergency lane when her vehicle decided to make a right turn two lanes across.
The rain is killing me! I just bought the car, washed it, and it rained the next day.

When are we getting a break in the weather?
PoohBEAR said:
I would hate to have anything bad happens to my car. As safe as I am driving, I hate to have Slip n' slide by stupid moron out there into my car ....it is unacceptable. I don't know about you, but when something that I love got destroyed....I feel like a part of me is gone. My nsx is the one I love most in my garage.........as such, I rather have it sit in the garage protected. Now....as others have mentioned, it is not much of the water drops........it has to do with the craziness on the road. I have to admit most Californian can't drive in the rain.

As an example, I was so close to getting kill the other day by a lady that tried to save time by doing her chore while driving. She was holding a bottle of eye liner on one hand and applying it to her eye the other hand. AS such, she has no hands left but to use her elbow to steer the car. Needless to say and keep it short, she forced me to the emergency lane when her vehicle decided to make a right turn two lanes across.
What do you mean - Californians can drive in the rain, while shaving, reading maps, talking on the mobile phone, putting on make-up, scolding the kids in the back seat and eating. All at the same time! Not to mention driving bumper-to-bumper at 80+ MPH. Californians are just too busy to slow down for a little rain! :eek: This is why I don't drive my NSX in the rain!
ss_md said:
What do you mean - Californians can drive in the rain, while shaving, reading maps, talking on the mobile phone, putting on make-up, scolding the kids in the back seat and eating. All at the same time! Not to mention driving bumper-to-bumper at 80+ MPH. Californians are just too busy to slow down for a little rain! :eek: This is why I don't drive my NSX in the rain!

What he said. :biggrin:
Re: When will the rain stop so the NSX can come out to play

The rain keeps you from driving your car?
How about paper cuts?

We don't HAVE a event in the Northeast unless it rains.
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Another annoying thing about winter in CA is that when it is not raining, it is very foggy. I won't drive my NSX when it's foggy, either. Someone rear-ended my beater last year because of foggy weather.

One of the reasons why I don't want to drive my car during wet/humid weather is to avoid misting of the tail lights. When I bought my car, it had dirty, permanent water stains on the inside of the lenses, and so I bought new lenses to replace them. I know about the technique to drill small holes on the underside of the lenses, but I guess I am too lazy to take the lenses back off to do it. :tongue: :redface:
I see several of our colleagues from the North and East differ about rain and drivability. I'm more worried about the person running late with the kids or getting to work in a large SUV who sees my NSX at the last minute stopped for a red light. :eek:

I'm sure there are plenty here that have horror stories regarding the cost of getting an NSX repaired (if it can at all). Mean while we had more rain today!!! :frown:

I'll let my Jetta take the hit in the rain while my NSX dreams of JGTC races like the one we had at California Speedway :biggrin: