when protesting goes bad...

19 December 2001
lee's summit mo 64064
an observation from my sister-in-law;

there were recently some huge anti-war protests in chicago. you probably heard about it on the news. The zealous protesters blocked streets and stopped traffic for several hours. I'm sure their intentions were good, although I personally think the war is a dirty job that needs to be done. I still respect their right to dissent.

In discussing this with a 'protesting' friend, my sister-in-law observed; "You know the protesters blocked the streets leading to the hospital. The ambulances couldnt get through. Someone surely died while they were out there demonstrating."

It is great to try to 'do the right thing'. I just hope everyone realizes the consequences and thinks it through. The old saying is still true; "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions". If youre going to demonstrate, please dont do it at the expense of others.
I find it ironic that the peace protesters seem prone to violence and the pro-troop/war crowds resemble family barbecue's.

An added bonus is the fact that Police departments are forced to waste an awful lot of resources on troublesome peace marchers.
The powers that be are already considering a $15 per head protest charge to cover the cost of police protection.
It looked like the same people protesting in San Fran against the war would have been there for a protest to legalize pot!!
Originally posted by MAJOR STONER:
The powers that be are already considering a $15 per head protest charge to cover the cost of police protection.
That is funny. Now they will have a protest of the protest about the $15 fee. I'd love to see a fee. The crowd size would dwindle in a hurry. Yep, tell them to put their money where their mouth is.
I never understood why these jokers aren't getting stiff fines when they protest in the street.

Someone has to pay for the extra police protection.
Originally posted by Jimbo:

Someone has to pay for the extra police protection.

Someone does, and guess who it is....its us, the 99% of the public that has the respect not to act like fools.

Talked to a client of mine in Portland OR yesterday and he made mention that the recent protest w/related damage/man power to control cost the city 2 mil and none of the women protestors were jailed. He also said that the mayor I think was trying not to be to legalistic w/them. Go figure.
it's always a minority that causes trouble.

EG. in sydney's recent protest a group of about ~20yr old middle-eastern youths came along with other intentions and started throwing chairs/tables at police.

when will students go back to their studies???