When is the next CenTex get together?

23 November 2006
Austin, Texas...Ya'll
Things are kind of slow around these parts. Must be the heat.

yeah no doubt....austin seems quiet....perhaps we should pick a date and place see if anyone will show up?
come to houston

Things have been quite in Austin for a bit. I think after you sold your car and the economy went to hell the scene has been down. Even KO-NSX is keeping on the down low.

When I got here to SD there were a half dozen NSXs and we got together at on spot afterwork. Then things went south here although so new blood is starting to go out on drives every month or so.

How's the baby? I have one on the way due in Nov. Keeping the NSX for sure, though.

I should have bought the car cover when you had it for sale. I thought about it and before I could it was gone.


Things have been quite in Austin for a bit. I think after you sold your car and the economy went to hell the scene has been down. Even KO-NSX is keeping on the down low.

When I got here to SD there were a half dozen NSXs and we got together at on spot afterwork. Then things went south here although so new blood is starting to go out on drives every month or so.

How's the baby? I have one on the way due in Nov. Keeping the NSX for sure, though.

I should have bought the car cover when you had it for sale. I thought about it and before I could it was gone.


I try to make EVERY car event when I'm off the rig. I drove to houstons cars and coffee last month. Our Austin crew has slowed a little but 3
Phone calls should get the ball rolling again.

Things have been quite in Austin for a bit. I think after you sold your car and the economy went to hell the scene has been down. Even KO-NSX is keeping on the down low.

When I got here to SD there were a half dozen NSXs and we got together at on spot afterwork. Then things went south here although so new blood is starting to go out on drives every month or so.

How's the baby? I have one on the way due in Nov. Keeping the NSX for sure, though.

I should have bought the car cover when you had it for sale. I thought about it and before I could it was gone.


We'll need to fix this and get the big guns out Ojas, Umar and Luis where are you three?

Things are good with Maya. She is now 2 1/2 hears old and now we have Emilio who just turned 11 weeks old today. Life is moving fast and I do regret selling the NSX. I know I will be back but in the mean time I found something to hold me over. Was a spur of the moment purchase and I thought I would at least finish graduate school in the fall before looking. Maybe I'll keep this thing since it was a rare find with only 90 being made in GPW. Plus if there ever is a Craze again I need something to track.


I try to make EVERY car event when I'm off the rig. I drove to houstons cars and coffee last month. Our Austin crew has slowed a little but 3
Phone calls should get the ball rolling again.

KO, I think there is a KIA Spectra meet tomorrow night over by your house. I'm sure your presence will be missed since you are in Big D.

If anyone is interested the S2000 group is meeting at Moonie's at Anderson Mill and 183 Tuesday at 6:30pm. Good burgers, good times and H cars.

Link to thread.
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anyone planning on going to coffee and cars in leander on the 7th? i should be there