When filling at the gas station.

I've never had the NSX overflow before the cut-off, but it's the only one of my cars I never top off. I tried to add more gas after the auto cut-off a couple times and it has gone all over the place. My Lexus I can top off $2-3 extra dollars worth.
It happened once to my NSX. If you can hear the air it is so close to full it should auto stop with-in a couple of seconds of that anyways.
Happened once to me but I'm unsure why. Never happend before or after that 1 time.
I always that the auto cutoff thingy was part of the pump nozzle. That there is a valve or sensor in it that detected when a preset amount of fuel vapor/air mixture and caused the pump to stop. :confused:
I always that the auto cutoff thingy was part of the pump nozzle. That there is a valve or sensor in it that detected when a preset amount of fuel vapor/air mixture and caused the pump to stop. :confused:
That should be correct. Shutoff is not in the tank neck.
No, has not happened to me yet. Are you filling up at the same gast station or is this happening at all gas stations. Some pumps may be behind on its maintenance or that gas station replace their filter quite often and your always getting good pressure from the pump, and when the pump shuts off, the residue pressure delivers whatever is in the line. Try going to another gas station that you normally don't go to and test it out.

I have never had a problem. Do you always do to the same station? I would try a different station to see if the problem goes away. If it does, let the station owner know so that they can fix the auto shutoff on the pump.

Do you realize a gallon of gas weighs more than 6 pounds?!!! :biggrin:

I'm never riding around with more than half a tank. Thats probably 35-40 pounds of weight savings.
If it is happening at different stations, then the problem is w/ your car. It should shutoff before overfilling. You have a faulty part...I just can't remember what it is at the moment. Some sort of valve...its late. Check the Wiki..or maybe LarryB will chime in and help.

Never has happened to me, but I usually never fill my tank all the way anyways.

It ALWAYS happens to me. Car is a 1991.
I thought it happened to all NSXes but reading this, I guess not. Anyway it always happens on my car.
Sometimes I remember just at the last moment and I get gas all over my leg.
I’m a slow learner...:rolleyes:
Hasn't happened to my '96 in the 8 years I've owned it. I always fill it until the nozzle kicks off.
'96 NSX-T, red/tan
It's against the law to pump our own gas here, so I have no idea.
That is a nozzle problem and should be reported to the owner. Even minor gas spills are treated as hazardous.

Quick story, not related to my NSX. BTW, my NSX has never overfilled with the pump shut off. As one post above said if you try and top it off it will spill out. I learned that.:eek:

My story. Pulled into the station and there was an old nova (I believe) filling. I remember because my dad had one like it that filled behind the rear gas tank. The car was filling, no one was around, and the gas was BLOWING out the back. I am guessing it was stuck wide open once it filled. The puddle was already about 20 feet in diameter when I pulled in. I pulled in and drove right the hell out. I was having flashbacks of the ChIPs episode when the entire station blew up.
It ALWAYS happens to me. Car is a 1991.
I thought it happened to all NSXes but reading this, I guess not. Anyway it always happens on my car.
Sometimes I remember just at the last moment and I get gas all over my leg.
I’m a slow learner...:rolleyes:

Yeah, most of the time I remember 1 second too late and end up getting hosed. And yes, it happens almost every time at almost every gas station I stop at. Mine's a 91 also.


Thanx NSXfriend, I'll dig around and see if anything looks suspicious.