When do the talks start regarding NSXStock?

19 November 2009
Long Island, NY
I remember it being around april/may.

Or is it cancelled this year since NSXPO will be here this year?
I remember it being around april/may.

Or is it cancelled this year since NSXPO will be here this year?

Good question, I was wondering the same thing. Im thinking we should do something I'm just not sure when. Any suggestions?
Yea, with the nice weather it would be nice to take it out for a meet like nsxstock. It was always awesome.
Yea, with the nice weather it would be nice to take it out for a meet like nsxstock. It was always awesome.

Maybe a joint event, MT Fuji/NSXstock :biggrin:
I like that idea!

Can I vote early against the May 14th weekend :smile:, otherwise it will make 2 years in a row that I miss NSXStock :frown:

Yea, I'm up for it. sounds good to me. I can plan the route, starting at Bridgewater and ending with the branch/dinner at Mt. Fuji. I was in that area not too long ago and roads are pretty good considering we got all that snow a while back.

How about May 1st ? Correction, just found out that can't make it on 1st. How about May 22nd?

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Works for me:wink:

Yea, I'm up for it. sounds good to me. I can plan the route, starting at Bridgewater and ending with the branch/dinner at Mt. Fuji. I was in that area not too long ago and roads are pretty good considering we got all that snow a while back.

How about May 1st ? Correction, just found out that can't make it on 1st. How about May 22nd?

Cool, let me draft something up and will start a new thread going for May 22nd. (Sunday) I can map the route, will PM you once I have some more info.. But we would meet something like 9-10am @ Bridgewater Acura and head north, through back roads ~60-70miles maybe more and end up in Mt. Fuji restaurant, maybe we can get nice pix under the gate this time..
