Wheel Well Liner Retaining Clips - Source

20 February 2002
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Does anyone have a source for Wheel Well Liner Retaining clip assy (8mm) 91545-SE0-003? As I've learned, these little guys are easily broken if not removed in the correct manner. Honda dealer in Australia wants A$6.50 (US$4.55) each;(Will generously:eek: give me 10% discount). I need 10-15 of them. I guess these things cost cents each to make. Alternate source anyone? or do I just bite the bullet?
Does anyone have a source for Wheel Well Liner Retaining clip assy (8mm) 91545-SE0-003? As I've learned, these little guys are easily broken if not removed in the correct manner. Honda dealer in Australia wants A$6.50 (US$4.55) each;(Will generously:eek: give me 10% discount). I need 10-15 of them. I guess these things cost cents each to make. Alternate source anyone? or do I just bite the bullet?

G day Mate.... the search tab is your mate...numerous threads on this heres one

Do a Google search for "Acura push type retainer clip" and you will get several sources for the various clips. Most seem to be in the US, but you might find a source locally.
I broke 4 or 5 of them just taking my wheel well liners halfway off to swap out my side intake ducts. I think age had more to do with it than anything. They just fell apart in my hand.

I ordered a box from here a few days ago: http://autobodyclips.com/index.php?Search=91545-SE0-003&ProductID=16782

..but they haven't arrived yet so I can't say much about them. They are certainly much cheaper than the OEM ones.
Do you have Autozone or O'Reilly's in Australia? If so, they sell them.
autobodyclips.com has the exact part for a hugely reduced price.
Any clip you can think of is on their web page.

Each wheel liner on my car has a different combination and/or style of clips... Its so confusing to piece together what was originally on the car.. There are screws, plastic screw-types, actual clips, and clips with caps... to top it all off, they seem to be arranged differently between the front tire wells and the back!!!
I hate puzzles.
From what I can remember, the clips for the front and rear are the same and they also use the same screws near the back and bottom of the liner. Most of the plastic clips should be the same size with just a few exceptions throughout the car. You can almost guarantee that the clips will start to break if you need to move something that holds them in if the car is over 7-10 years old. The plastic used just doesn't seem to last that long. When I got new clips from a third party source, I changed them all out since it was so cheap to do. Don't try that with an OEM part however. Just way too expensive for what they are. Good luck,

Al T.
My box of clips came today.. They don't have the "push the center in to pop them loose" feature that the OEM ones do. I'm not really sure how you'd get them off once they're installed. They also seem to be shiny. They're so flat that I don't think it would be very easy to pull that pin back out either. Am I missing something?
I just performed an installation of CF side vents requiring me to remove my rear wheel well liners. Many of the retainer clips broke and/or were already broken. I went to Lowe's and found some plastic grommets that fit just fine. A few types had the push-in centers that ease removal. Prices ran about $0.80 for packs of two. Not sure if Home Depot carries these or not.
I just performed an installation of CF side vents requiring me to remove my rear wheel well liners. Many of the retainer clips broke and/or were already broken. I went to Lowe's and found some plastic grommets that fit just fine. A few types had the push-in centers that ease removal. Prices ran about $0.80 for packs of two. Not sure if Home Depot carries these or not.

sweet. would you happen to have a sku number or a pic of the pack?
sweet. would you happen to have a sku number or a pic of the pack?

I threw away the plastic pouches the grommets came in. It's easy to select the correct ones or ones that will work. I bought some in different sizes as some of the mounting holes in the liners varied due to age, etc. At Lowes, the grommets are in the hardward department in a section with sliding drawers that contain specialty hardware items.
Here are a couple pics of the OEM next to the autobodyclips version. Look exactly the same except as mentioned the centers cant be pushed in for extraction.


Mystery solved

Like many of you, I purchased a box of these aftermarket retainers. I happened to purchase it from http://www.clipsandfasteners.com but the part number and appearance of the part is exactly the same.

Like others have noticed, the part looks similar apart from the smooth finish compared to the grained finish of the OE part. However, they don't operate the same as the OE part, in that the center pin will not push in to unlock the retainer, making future removal a real b!tch to do.

Curious about the difference, I removed an OE retainer and removed the center pins from both the OE and aftermarket retainer. What I found was that the center pin of the OE part works perfectly with the body of the aftermarket part, but that the center pin of the aftermarket part did not work (ie did not push in to unlock) with the body of the OE part. Both parts looked identical, but when I measured the diameter of the head of the pin, I found that the OE part was just over 0.1mm smaller than the aftermarket part.

So, the solution is pretty simple and straightforward: file down the head of the center pin until it works properly. I did this with a flat metal file, and rotated the head of the pin against it. It took me less than 30sec per pin to do, and they now work as they should.

I also bought a box of Acura push-type cowl retainers, and those looked and functioned exactly as the OE part.
Awesome thanks for the tip. I haven't put mine one yet and I'm glad I waited!